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Access Ability

Access Ability at the University of Ottawa is committed to ensuring a fully accessible and inclusive campus environment. We fervently advocate for students with intellectual and physical challenges, striving to guarantee their equal access to all university services. Our chief objectives are to provide streamlined access to necessary services, elevate awareness around accessibility issues, and forge impactful collaborations within the university and the wider community. Through meticulous communication and targeted educational efforts, our ultimate aim is to shape a campus where accessibility and inclusivity are not just ideals, but everyday practices.

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ACE uOttawa

ACE Canada is one of the largest undergraduate business student organizations in Canada. This student-managed organization hosts a number of engaging business conferences throughout the academic year. During these conferences, students participate in challenging case studies that focus on a variety of business fields including accounting, marketing, finance, human resources, e- commerce, business ethics and international business. Students also participate in difficult business simulations in a wide range of industries including travel and tourism, food and restaurants, fashion and retail, sports and entertainment and hospitality. These case studies and business simulations require students to use their critical thinking skills and business knowledge to develop creative and viable solutions to real-life business problems. The ACE Canada conferences give students the opportunity to strengthen their presentation, role-playing and problem solving skills. ACE Canada's primary event is the annual National's Conference that takes place in January at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto.

In addition to participating in the case studies and business simulations, students are also given the opportunity to network with established business professionals from some of the largest and most well-known organizations in Canada. Students learn critical business skills that they cannot learn in the classroom by attending workshops hosted by experts in a variety of business fields. Students also gain valuable insights on how to succeed in the modern business world through presentations delivered by Canada's top business leaders. Furthermore, ACE Canada enables members to meet and network with other passionate business students from universities throughout Ontario and Quebec. 

Officially founded in 2007, ACE uOttawa (formerly known as DECA uOttawa) is a student–initiated undergraduate business simulation and case study organization at the University of Ottawa. In 2011, ACE uOttawa became an official student association of the Telfer School of Management. 

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Achezzo Acappella

We are a group of Uottawa students who enjoy vocal music and are committed to bettering the community through musical activist efforts. Our goals are to foster a nurturing environment that prioritizes potential and growth; to encourage innovation and exploration in all forms of vocal music regardless of experience; and perform philanthropic efforts to better our local and global community. We include English and French songs, although being bilingual is not a requirement. We are excited for you to join us!

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Afghan Students Association

The Afghan Students association is a club dedicated to promote the beauty of Afghan culture and awareness of Afghanistan through events, programs, and initiatives for students at the University of Ottawa as well as the greater Afghan community. With the expansion of the Afghan community in Ottawa, it is vital to have a support group for members to feel safe, at home, and enriched in their cultural identity.

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Afriqcan Uottawa

Founded in 2017, AfriqCan is a bilingual club for international students at the University of Ottawa. Our vision is for international students to be successful in their new surroundings here in Canada as they thrive in their studies, integrate into new communities and build their identities as Afro-Canadians. We aim to do this by organizing academic workshops and social events that will bring students together and expose them to valuable and enjoyable experiences.

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Ahlul-Bayt Students’ Association

L'Association des étudiants Ahlul-Bayt (ABSA) est une organisation à but non lucratif à l'Université d'Ottawa. Le cœur de l'organisation est centré sur le Prophète de l'islam, Muhammad (PBUH) et sa famille pure. ABSA cherche à préserver leurs enseignements et valeurs et à fournir aux étudiants les nécessités religieuses, sociales et individuelles pour remplir leurs obligations religieuses et leurs devoirs académiques. Notre mission encourage la coopération avec d'autres clubs pour construire un environnement sain sur le campus, libre de préjugés, de racisme et de discrimination.

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Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association is a religious club, concerned with connecting, and re-connecting, Ahmadiyya Muslim students attending the University of Ottawa with each other, and to their faith. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association accomplishes this by holding weekly Friday prayers, and monthly field trips and religious activities!

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Al Maarij Club

Al-Maarij is a student-led club dedicated to promoting Islamic knowledge and creating a space for students to study and grow spiritually on campus. Our mission is to offer accessible, high-quality learning opportunities through classes, discussions, and events focused on Islamic studies. Al-Maarij provides a welcoming environment where students can connect with knowledgeable instructors, engage with foundational texts, and deepen their understanding of Islam, all while building a supportive campus community.

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Algerian students association

Algerian students' association at the university of Ottawa is to promote algerian culture, folklore and traditions.

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Alpha Phi Sorority

Alpha Phi is an international organization that encourages women’s growth by way of leadership opportunities, sisterhood events, philanthropic events and social events. We also encourage academic excellence and thrive to create well rounded women.

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Alzheimer's Alliance uOttawa

Our club's purpose is to raise money to fund various projects related to Alzheimer's disease. This includes the Alzheimer's Society of Canada, funding research labs and helping our local community members suffering from the disease. In addition, our goal is to increase awareness of the disease and to help students learn more about the disease and its possible prevention.

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Amnesty Interational uOttawa

Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization that strives to defend human rights throughout the world. In the university sections of the group, members participate in campaigns to promote awareness of the multiple causes defended by the organization as well as in fund-raising events to aid in the realization of its objectives.

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Ananda Marga Yoga

Come practice yoga and meditation! All members welcome, beginners or experts!

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Anglophone Students in Civil Law Association

The main objective of the Anglophone Students in Civil Law Association is to promote the integration of English-speaking students into the civil law section of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa. In addition to this objective, the association also strives to provide students with practical advice to enhance their academic success, particularly in the context of their courses and exams. Integrating into a new school environment can be difficult, especially when you're not perfectly at ease with the language used. That's why we consider it crucial to offer specific support to students facing this linguistic reality. For example, our “How to Succeed” event offers advice and effective learning strategies for students. Similarly, our “Hangout” event offers students the opportunity to relax and have a good time, while meeting new people, which is equally important for their overall well-being.

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Armenian Students' Association

The Armenian Students' Association is dedicated to fostering a sense of community among students while promoting awareness and appreciation of Armenian culture and history. Through various events and initiatives, the club educated its members about Armenia's rich heritage and shares this knowledge with the broader university community. Additionally, the association maintains strong ties with other Armenian Students' Associations and the Armenian community across Canada. The club operates on principles of inclusivity, remaining apolitical, non-partisan, and non-religious, and welcoming students from all backgrounds.

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Asian Canadians' Association of uOttawa

For over a decade, the Asian Canadians' Association of Ottawa (ACAO) has stood as one of uOttawa’s preeminent cultural organizations. Our executive team is comprised of students dedicated to our mission to celebrate, share, & promote Pan-Asian cultures, support local businesses, & foster a vibrant community for Pan-Asian students.

ACAO is an inclusive space, catering to all students interested in Pan-Asian culture & welcoming everyone- regardless of ethnicity- into our growing community. Our club's events have attracted thousands of students, featuring regular collaborations with businesses & campus associations. We've cultivated an environment that champions diversity & belonging, open to all students eager to experience Pan-Asian culture.

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Asian civil law students at the University of Ottawa

CÉADCO aims to promote Asian diversity and raise awareness within the civil law faculty at the university about the unique experience of being Asian in Quebec and in the field of law. The club seeks to unite people from diverse Asian backgrounds to create a sense of belonging and community within Fauteux.

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Asian Law Students’ Society

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Association Étudiante De Common Law Student Society

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Association of Black Aspiring Physicians

Currently, the black population is not well represented in the medical field. The lack of black students in medicine can be attributed to the lack of black role models present in the field, unawareness of the opportunities available and a misunderstanding of what it takes to be a medical doctor. The association of black aspiring physicians at the University of Ottawa strives to overcome this issue. Throughout the course of the year, the club aims to run events whereby students of colour will be given the opportunity to hear from physicians and other healthcare leaders of colour about what a career as a medical doctor entails. Additionally, we hope to lead workshops to make students more aware about the Medical College Admission Test and provide them with tips and strategies that may not be otherwise available to them. More importantly, as a way to expand the club’s impact from previous years, ABAP would like to make mentors more available to students of colour and in doing so increase the mentorship opportunities available to them. To accomplish said goals, the club is committed to working diligently and collaboratively.

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Association of immigration and refugees law

Promote the specific field of immigration law in the school. Show how it can affects the life of the immigrants and the refugees .

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Association of Ivorian Students of the University of Ottawa

The objective of our association is to ensure the integration and support of Ivorian students through socio-cultural events and by creating a welcoming atmosphere for new students. Also to promote Ivorian culture on campus.

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Association of notarial law of the University of Ottawa

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Association of Young Guineans in Canada

Guinea is a country located in West Africa, covering an area of 245,857 km², with a population estimated at around 15 million inhabitants. In addition to being known as the “Water Tower” of West Africa, Guinea is divided into four natural regions: Lower Guinea, Middle Guinea, Upper Guinea, and Forested Guinea. Each region has its own languages, customs, and values, which contribute to the country’s rich cultural diversity and showcase the open-mindedness of its people. Despite this diversity, one undeniable trait shared by all Guineans is good humor, an abundance of energy, humor, and hospitality.

Through our association, we aim to share a piece of this richness with the student population at the University of Ottawa, as well as with the broader Canadian community. However, this is just the beginning of our journey. We not only strive to promote Guinean culture in its entirety but also to facilitate the integration of newcomers, support causes in Guinea, and back local initiatives in Canada.

This all sounds great, but as they say, “a goal without a plan is just a wish,” so we’ve made sure to create a clear plan. We will start with an inauguration or general assembly to introduce the association to the community. After that, we have a wide range of activities planned to keep the association active until we achieve our objectives.

In short, we are AJGC, and we are here to help the community.

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Association professionnelle de networking de l'Asie du Sud

L'Association de réseautage professionnel de l'Asie du Sud se concentre sur l'autonomisation des étudiants de l'Asie du Sud à l'Université d'Ottawa. Nous nous appliquons à faire le lien entre la richesse culturelle de l'héritage sud-asiatique et le monde dynamique du développement professionnel. Notre mission est de cultiver un environnement où les étudiants peuvent se connecter, apprendre et s'épanouir grâce à des opportunités uniques de réseautage, d'ateliers et de développement professionnel avec des leaders sud-asiatiques reconnus. Ensemble, nous éclairons les voies de la réussite, célébrons notre héritage commun et encourageons la prochaine génération d'innovateurs.

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AXIA consists of a reliable and uplifting system filled with bright, capable, and ambitious students motivated in exploring and encouraging the innovations, inventions, current research, and ethical discussions within the natural sciences and mathematics, which includes: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Programming, and Mathematics. The club's title, AXIA, is founded upon the Greek meaning of "merit" as we believe all students hold merit and value in the academic world. AXIA provides the opportunity to work on collaborative science projects (i.e. programming a working cardiac model, replicating fungi proliferation, testing luminescence, building electric circuits, etc.), prepare for national competitions (NSERC, Science Fair, COMC, etc.), study amongst other high-achieving students, bring forward revolutionary innovations, and discuss ethical situations associated with specific science-related scenarios. The club is not limited to simply active studying and learning, but also aims to allow students to openly and comfortably exchange differing ideas, opinions, and interests in the world of science. Furthermore, AXIA will highly focus on teaching and developing active studying techniques and strategies in order to help students effectively study for upcoming midterms and exams (in the sciences). The environment fostered by AXIA is one that is motivated by understanding that every student interested in the natural sciences has a unique idea to share, skillsets to apply, and strengths to help others succeed. AXIA's mission extends beyond the exploration of sciences and maths, but also promotes the importance of open and civil discussion, ethics in sciences, academic interest in experimentation, and individual inventions.

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Azerbaijani Students' Association (AzSA Ottawa)

The Azerbaijani Students’ Association based at uOttawa, is one of the Ottawa branches of AzSA. AzSA strives to encourage unity and diversity and provide opportunities for engagement for the Azerbaijani and non-Azerbaijani population in our educational institutions. AzSA’s goal is to foster positive relationships with other cultural groups around campuses in Ottawa by connecting through culturally enriching events, meetings, and more! We welcome all interested uOttawa students to attend our meetings, social gatherings, and other cultural events! Follow us on our socials @azsaottawa

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The premise of this club is to bring together volleyball players of a variety skill levels. Participants will learn a plethora of volleyball techniques by means of training, while simultaneously having the opportunity to hone their skills in recreational and competitive games respectively. The training program will be tailored towards players who would like to improve and give a chance to achieve a competitive level in volleyball, regardless of their background. Our main goal is to stimulate interest for those new to volleyball, while simultaneously catering to seasoned players of the sport. Each week, there will be a training sessions, and one game session (not divided by gender). Each term also holds one volleyball tournament to inspire some friendly competition - this is open to all players and each team is co-ed.

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Beating Burnout

The purpose of the Beating Burnout Club is to help nursing students avoid burnout through a variety of self-care events, educational posts and guidance during their time in the program. Nursing students are a unique student population that often burn out from the multiple stressors and obstacles they must face in the 4-year undergraduate program. Our mission is to provide opportunities to learn about self-care, strategies to prioritise and protect the self, and create a stronger and supportive sense of community amongst students.

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Best Buddies (Univeristy of Ottawa Chapter)

Best Buddies is a club that helps to create opportunities for building one-on-one friendships and developing leadership skills for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  As a club we hope to promote the acceptance, understanding and integration of those living with intellectual disabilities in the wider community by providing buddy pairs with opportunities to participate in activities in a variety of settings.

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Building connections in bioSTEM for all students! BioConnect strives to create social connections and networking opportunities to meet other students who share a passion for science, and provide tools to prepare yourself for the bioeconomy.

Students from every faculty are welcome – no STEM background required!

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Biofit Engineers

The BioFit Engineers Club at the University of Ottawa is an incubator for innovation at the intersection of health, technology, and sustainability. Comprised of ambitious students from engineering, science, arts, and business disciplines, we are on a mission to transform the realm of physical fitness by infusing it with advanced biomechanical and software engineering. Our primary endeavor is to construct an eco-friendly workout machine that embodies ease and efficiency. Designed to welcome both seasoned athletes and gym novices, our creation is the cornerstone of our commitment to an inclusive, sustainable fitness culture. By leveraging cost-effective, green materials and energy-saving designs, we aim to offer a personal, engaging fitness journey that is both financially and environmentally conscious. This machine isn't just about improving physical health; it's a nexus for community building, providing a space where individuals with a passion for wellness, innovation, and entrepreneurship can connect and collaborate. Intuitive by design, it employs mechanical engineering principles to optimize workout efficiency and is paired with custom software that offers a customizable fitness regimen, ensuring that every user's experience is uniquely their own. Our club embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, challenging members to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges, thereby nurturing the next generation of leaders. We invite an interdisciplinary mix of students to partake in this venture, cultivating an environment where creativity and innovation flourish. In essence, the BioFit Engineers Club is a collective movement dedicated to redefining exercise. We're not just a club; we're a community poised to create sustainable change in the way people approach fitness, fostering an atmosphere where education fuels innovation for a healthier tomorrow. Join us as we engineer the future of fitness

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Biomedical Engineering Research Club (BERC)

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BIPOC Business Society

The TELFER BIPOC Business Society is a club at the University of Ottawa that was formed to address systemic barriers and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion for BIPOC students at the University of Ottawa. The club recognizes that many BIPOC students face numerous obstacles that make entering the business world after graduation difficult for them, whether it is less access to financial capital or reduced acceptance by mainstream media. By supporting these students, the club hopes to provide them with a safe space to flourish in circumstances that are not always conducive to their success. Furthermore, the TELFER BIPOC Business Society recognizes the importance of community and connection for BIPOC businesses. Often, these businesses celebrate unique cultures and draw upon grassroots communities. Lifting these companies legitimizes and strengthens what their products represent: diversity and belonging. The club aims to prioritize the local by supporting BIPOC companies and ensuring that the local community stays vibrant, with a wide range of products made by individuals who care deeply about what they do. Having a safe space for BIPOC students in business is immensely important because it allows them to connect with peers who share their experiences and struggles. This can lead to a sense of community and belonging that may be lacking in other areas of their lives. In addition, the club provides opportunities for BIPOC students to learn from and support one another, and to access resources that may be particularly relevant to their experiences. Ultimately, the TELFER BIPOC Business Society is an important club at the University of Ottawa because it provides a much-needed platform for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in the business world,as well as on campus, and supporting BIPOC students well into graduation in their pursuit of success.

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Black Future Lawyers (BFL)


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Black Law Students Association

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Black Law Students’ Association University of Ottawa Chapter

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Black Medical Students Association (BMSA)

The Black Medical Students Association (BMSA) was created by medical students of African and Caribbean ancestry at the University of Ottawa, to promote interest in race-based health knowledge, Black indigenous cultures, and the social determinants of equity. We believe that by raising awareness on Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) health disparities and fostering a community of inclusivity, we will collectively become more compassionate and culturally competent physicians. In recognition of the Faculty of Medicine's commitment to social responsibility and diversity, we seek to provide community, mentorship and support to Black medical students and to other students coming from disadvantaged and underrepresented groups in Medicine. Additionally, through our partnership with the University of Toronto's Community of Support (COS) and uOttawa's Association of Black Aspiring Physicians (ABAP), we are dedicated to increasing diversity among the medical student body by offering mock interviews, as well as workshops and mentorship to students from marginalized communities striving to pursue medicine. All are welcome to be members!

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Black STEM Student Association

The Black STEM Student Association (BSSA) at the University of Ottawa is rooted in the belief that diversity fuels innovation. BSSA creates a supportive environment for Black students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). We are committed to empowerment through representation, academic resources, and professional development, our club aims to enrich the academic journey and social experience of Black STEM students. Mission: BSSA aims to bridge STEM representation gaps by cultivating an inclusive space for Black students to thrive academically. Through events, workshops, and panels with Black professionals, we envision a future where Black students flourish in STEM and contribute diverse perspectives for innovation. Objectives: Cultivating Community: -Establish community through meetings, social events, and networking for academic success and personal development. -Encourage collaboration and peer support. Academic Excellence: -Provide academic resources

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Black Student Creatives

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Black Student Leaders Association (BSLA)

The purpose of the Black Student Leaders Association is to assist with the academic, social and philanthropic aspects of the Black student journey at the University of Ottawa. We extend open arms to students and faculty of all ethnic backgrounds. We facilitate various events and biweekly discussions to educate, engage and empower our members. We collaborate with various university and community organizations across Canada to encourage allyship and mobilization of the BIPOC community. We provide various resources and methods of advocacy to combat anti-black racism on and off campus. We represent ourselves and the members of our community in a way that truly reflects who we are and who we have potential to be; all the while paying homage to our ancestors and remembering our roots.

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Brazily Fitness

Brazily Fitness is a dynamic and empowering fitness program that combines the vibrant energy of Brazilian music, dance, and culture with transformative fitness experiences. Designed to ignite confidence and embrace sensuality, Brazily Fitness offers a variety of programs catering to individuals of all skill levels. From beginners to experienced dancers, these programs aim to inspire participants to unleash their potential, boost self-esteem, and achieve their fitness goals while having fun. At the core of Brazily Fitness is Brazily Dance, a unique dance workout that integrates Brazil’s rich musical heritage and diverse dance styles.  Whether through online classes, in-person sessions, or instructor certifications, Brazily Fitness transforms lives by blending fitness, culture, and joy, proving that dance can be a powerful tool for physical, emotional, and social well-being. We host FREE campus fitness classes and provide leadership opportunities for students.

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Broken Quill Writing Society

We are connecting students through the joy of writing! Join our discord and weekly meetings for an inclusive, creative and fun environment. We do writing prompts, social activities, poetry nights, contests and more. The club is open to everyone — drop in any time.

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Burundi We Want Student Club

Bww is a club of Burundian students at UOttawa where they get help all kinds of help: transition from HS to University, connect them with a mentor who’s in higher level or any question about student life.

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Business Common Law Society

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Business Healthcare Society

Business Healthcare Society is an independent, apolitical, bilingual, and not-for-profit organization within the University of Ottawa whose purpose is to help advance knowledge regarding the field of business in healthcare to members and provide them with an environment to facilitate professional relationships.

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Business Law Association of the University of Ottawa

The Association has the following objectives: Promote business law to the University of Ottawa student community; Organize activities at the Faculty of Law to inform and educate students about the field of business law; Enable students to meet professionals in the field of business law.

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Cam's Kids uOttawa

Re-established in 2024, the uOttawa Cam’s Kids Club was founded by a group of University of Ottawa students who recognized the need for a support network focused on mental health and mindfulness on campus. The club is a branch of the national Cam’s Kids Foundation, which is dedicated to providing young people with resources and tools to manage anxiety and stress.

The uOttawa Cam’s Kids Club aims to promote wellness, mindfulness, and a supportive community for students who are navigating the stresses of university life. We offer a safe, inclusive space where students can connect with others, participate in wellness activities, and access mental health resources. Our goal is to foster a caring and empathetic environment where students can discuss challenges and share strategies for maintaining mental well-being.

Throughout the academic year, we host a variety of events including meditation sessions, mindfulness workshops, and wellness talks, as well as social events aimed at building a sense of community. Members are encouraged to participate at their own pace, and we welcome students from all backgrounds to join us at any time. To stay informed about our upcoming events and initiatives, follow us on social media (@uOttawaCamsKids).

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Cameroonian Student Club

a dynamic community dedicated to the integration, support, and empowerment of Cameroonian and African students within the university and the local community. Founded on values of solidarity, personal growth, and celebration of diversity, our association aims to provide an inclusive space where everyone can thrive and contribute to an enriching student experience. **1. Student Integration** One of our association's main missions is to facilitate the integration of new Cameroonian students into the university and the community. We offer a wide range of support services, including advice on course selection, tutoring, student job search, and practical tips on daily life in {Nom de la Ville}. By organizing networking events and social activities, we also foster intercultural interactions and encourage our members to build strong connections with other communities. **2. Creating a Safe Space** Our association is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where Cameroonian students can freely express themselves and share their culture with pride. We encourage open exchanges and discussions about the challenges our members face, offering mutual support and valuable advice. By inviting inspiring speakers and African professionals to share their success stories, we inspire our members to pursue their dreams and overcome obstacles along the way. **3. Community Engagement** As an association, we are deeply invested in the well-being of our community. We regularly organize community service initiatives, fundraisers, and charity events to support causes that are dear to us. Through our commitment and leadership, we seek to make a positive impact on society and promote social change in our community.

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Campus Rush

Campus Rush is a community of young Christians made up largely by students on university campuses and youths in different communities. Our purpose is simply to Transform Lives and Raise Leaders on campuses and in communities worldwide.

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Canadian Association for Research in Regenerative Medicine

The Canadian Association for Research in Regenerative Medicine (CARRM) uOttawa chapter is a non-profit organization that strives to promote research in the field of regenerative medicine. The non-profit organization was initially created by students at York University and since then has expanded to six more universities across Ontario. CARRM’s mission is to educate uOttawa students and the Ottawa community about the significance of regenerative medicine in our healthcare system, the therapeutic applications of stem cell research, and the basic ethics surrounding regenerative medicine. We accomplish this mission by fundraising for local stem cell research facilities and by spreading awareness about the powerful impact of stem cell research on Canada’s healthcare system through symposiums and meet and greet events.

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Canadian Association of Refugees Lawyers (CARL) uOttawa

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Canadian Law Program Student Association

The Canadian Law Program Student Association (AssoPDC) brings together students enrolled in the Canadian Law Program (CLP), the bijural and bilingual program of the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Law. The Association's mandate is to promote the interests of its student members. The Association also has a fundamental interest in supporting the francophonie both inside and outside the University of Ottawa's main campus.

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Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics - University of Ottawa Chapter (CSEB - UO)

CSEB-UO aims to introduce students to the fields of epidemiology and biostatistics and provides an avenue for students to network with one another and with experts in the field, as well as to obtain information on career and educational opportunities. The organization offers facilitated workshops on applying to Masters programs, reviewing graduate school applications, as well as educational seminars. It serves primarily as a platform for networking, knowledge translation, and professional development for the epidemiology community at the University of Ottawa.

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Canadian Students for Cardiovascular Health

With an emphasis on women's health and indigenous communities, the Canadian Students for Cardiovascular Health is committed to advancing comprehensive health education and raising literacy in cardiovascular well-being. The Canadian Students for Cardiovascular Health (CSCH) is dedicated to promoting heart health among students on campus. Our mission is to inspire and educate the student body on cardiovascular health through engaging activities, informative events, and hands-on experiences. We aim to raise awareness about heart health, educate students on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and provide practical skills that can be applied in everyday life.

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Canvas for Change

A club advocating for social justice and positive change through art and expression. We aim to raise awareness on issues relating to social and environmental injustices happening around the world and inspire action by utilizing art and expression. These creative mediums include painting, art, dance, music etc.

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Capital Technology Network (Hack the Hill) uOttawa Branch

At Hack the Hill, our mission is to foster innovation, collaboration, and personal development among students from diverse backgrounds by providing an inclusive platform where creative problem-solving and technological exploration is encouraged. We are committed to hosting a series of events throughout the academic year, with our flagship event taking place in late September.

Our primary goal is to bring together a community of over 600 talented hackers from various post-secondary institutions across North America, enabling them to connect, learn, and create in a supportive and stimulating environment. We strive to eliminate barriers affecting participation by offering free attendance to all students, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone.

Through our regular monthly events, we aim to provide a platform for medium to large-scale events, fostering an environment that encourages continuous learning, skill development, and networking opportunities. By collaborating with industry professionals, mentors, and sponsors, we seek to expose participants to real-world challenges and cutting-edge technologies, inspiring them to push boundaries and unleash their innovative potential.

Hack the Hill prioritizes diversity, inclusiveness, and the power of collaborative intellect. We foster a culture of respect, open-mindedness, and teamwork, celebrating the distinct viewpoints and backgrounds of every participant. Our dedication lies in equipping students with the expertise, abilities, and networks essential for success in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Students at the University of Ottawa are invited to join Hack the Hill as we embark on a journey of exploration, discovery, and creativity, igniting a passion for innovation and problem-solving that transcends borders and empowers the next generation of changemakers.

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Cards For Comfort

The purpose of Cards for Comfort is to provide comfort and care to patients in hospitals, hospice care, and homecare through the creation and distribution of heart-felt cards. The cards made by CFC will be sent out to hospitals, hospice care, and homecare centers that have granted the club permission to do so.

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Caribbean Student Association

We founded the Caribbean Student Association to complete our aspiration to provide social functions, parties, networking, and a sense of community for those passionate about Caribbean culture. Our goal is to contribute to the overall university experience in a way only West Indians can. We present the diverse collection of cultures, histories and races that reside within the Caribbean. In order to achieve this we want to bring the taste of home to Ottawa and promote our cultures to a greater audience. Since the Caribbean is such a diverse and colourful place we want to emulate that within our association and invite people from all walks of life to experience our culture through food, music, dance and more food! WE DOES FÉTE! IT'S A JAM 'TING!

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CASCO Charity Organization

CASCO is a student run charity organization comprised primarily of Telfer School of Management students from the University of Ottawa. CASCO was founded in September 1998 as an initiative through the shared vision between Alexandre St-Jean and Tuan Nguyen. They both wanted to show support, raise money, and honour their dearly departed friend Eric Danis, who passed away from Leukemia. To date, CASCO has raised over $1 million for CHEO and this year, CASCO is celebrating its milestone 25th anniversary by reflecting on the impact that the organization has been able to make at the University of Ottawa, the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and the greater Ottawa community.

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Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)

Catholic Christian Outreach is a university student movement dedicated to evangelization. We challenge young adults to live in the fullness of the Catholic faith with a strong emphasis on becoming leaders in the renewal of the world.

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Centre for International Affairs and Social Policy

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Chabad Student Network Ottawa

"If you see what needs to be repaired and how to repair it, then you have found a piece of the world that God has left for you to complete." -the Rebbe

The Chabad Student Network (CSN) Ottawa offers university students a welcoming and vibrant connection to Judaism. Our mission is to provide educational, ritual, and social activities, along with personal counseling and spiritual guidance, all rooted in the principles of Chassidic philosophy, led by Rabbi Chaim and Yocheved Boyarsky.

At CSN Ottawa, we believe that every Jew deserves the opportunity to experience and embrace their heritage. Our programs are designed to foster this connection within the framework of halachah (Jewish law). We offer a wide range of programming, including Torah study sessions, monthly women's programs, classes on Jewish topics, as well as speakers for religious and cultural events.

We also host Shabbat and holiday services, Glatt (the highest Kosher standard) Kosher dinners, and special programs like Shabbatons (unique weekend events).

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Champions of Change uOttawa

We are a non-profit campus group affiliated with Plan Canada International consisting of young advocates. Our focus is on social and economic barriers that transgress the rights of some of the world’s hardest-to-reach youth. Our call for gender equality and empowerment extends from our local community to communities across the globe in hopes of addressing the root causes of such injustices (e.g. child marriage, domestic violence, inaccessible education, neglected healthcare). You can find us tabling on-campus, hosting events such as workshops, panel discussions, and socials, as well as on social media

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Chemical Engineering Students Society

The uOttawa Chemical Engineering Students’ Society (ChESS) is a student run organization that represents Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology students in the Engineering Students’ Society and Faculty of Engineering. We host events such as trivia pub nights and BBQs throughout the year for students in our department. Along with these fun social events, we also provide students with professional development opportunities such as being able to attend national chemical engineering conferences, go on plant tours and participate in professional case competitions, all to prepare our students for the real world.

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Christian Legal Fellowship

Our club has been very active this past year! We met on a weekly basis for Bible study (with usually a dozen members) and engage in one social per month (prayer walk, board games, Etc). Our marquee event this year was hosting CLF's national conference. We had close to 50 law students from all over Canada attend our three day event. It was fantastic!

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Climate Justice uOttawa

CJCUO is a student run non-profit grassroot organization aimed towards achieving climate justice. CJC will work hand in hand with local climate justice organizations as well as plan and attend strikes, walkouts and events. Additionally, CJC runs various campaigns aimed at achieving climate justice within the university.

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Coda uOttawa

Coda uOttawa is a student-led initiative and a proud seed of the Coda Foundation charity. We bring together students from all disciplines to unite in the fight against cancer. Partnering with the Canadian Cancer Society, our mission is to raise both awareness and funds for cancer research through impactful events and initiatives. Our goal is to create a future where cancer no longer poses a threat to our loved ones. By supporting innovative research and patient care, we aim to make a meaningful, lasting impact in the lives of those affected by cancer.


Join Coda uOttawa and become part of a passionate community dedicated to making a difference. Together, we have the power to change the future—one event, one fundraiser, one life at a time.

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Communication's Games Ottawa

The Communication Games is a French-speaking interuniversity competition which brings together around ten delegations from various French-speaking and bilingual universities in Canada. The delegations compete in events representing the field of communications, such as News Capsule, Advertising Creation, Festival Promotion, Cultural Show, Music Show, Podcast, Match Description, etc. As the University of Ottawa delegation, we have represented the university in the competition for 29 years. Around thirty students get together every Sunday to practice their respective events and improve in preparation for the week-long competition in March. During the year, fundraising and team building activities are organized in order to form a united delegation that has the means to compete against other delegations.

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Congolese Students Association

The Congolese Students Association aims to bring all Congolese students together at the University of Ottawa. Our vision is to promote Congolese culture through socio-cultural events in order to strengthen ties between members of the community; to help new Congolese students integrate both on and off campus."

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Connecting Young Minds (CYM) Undergraduate Research Conference

Connecting Young Minds (CYM) is the only conference at the University of Ottawa specifically catered to promoting and showcasing the research work of undergraduate students in the faculties of Science, Health sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences, and Engineering students. The conference enables both anglophones and francophones to present and interact with bilingual world-renowned professors, researchers, and past valedictorians attending prestigious Ivy League schools, such as Harvard University. Our mission is to enrich the undergraduate experiences of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students by providing a vessel to inspire interest in research, paving the way for brighter futures and innovative minds. The conference allows students to present or propose their research to an audience and a panel of judges, gain experience drafting scientific literature, and the chance to network with industry professionals. Each year, CYM hosts an undergraduate-level research competition in which participants submit an abstract or a proposal on their research. Top candidates are selected by a panel of professional scientists to further compete at the conference, where they are given five minutes to present their research followed by a Question & Answer period. Oral presentations are also judged by professional scientists and three grand winners are selected on the conference day. Connecting Young Minds offers undergraduate STEM students a unique opportunity to present their research via elevator pitches at our conference, with potential for publication for top competitors. CYM has published twice in a peer reviewed STEM journal, the Undergraduate Research in Natural and Clinical Science and Technology (URNCST) Journal, which showcased the research work of twenty undergraduate students at uOttawa, ranging from a number of STEM fields such as biology, physics, technology, math, and chemistry. Additionally, CYM organizes multiple fundraising events throughout the year, such as sport tournaments and bake sales, to raise funds for the conference. Overall, we aim to provide university students an exceptional opportunity in the field of research in a bilingual setting while also inspiring the young generation to enter the field of STEM.

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Conservateurs uOttawa Conservatives

The Conservateurs uOttawa Conservatives is a political club on the University of Ottawa Campus that works to promote the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and the Conservative Party of Canada on Campus.

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Constitutional Law Student's Association

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Coptic Orthodox Youth Association

The purpose of the Coptic Orthodox Youth Association is to promote spiritual growth for members interested in deepening their understanding of the Coptic Orthodox tradition of the Christian faith, educate the community about the Coptic culture through various outreach events, and create a support network for all club members.

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Criminal and Prison Law Association at the University of Ottawa

The primary goal of the Criminal and Prison Law Association at the University of Ottawa is to promote and inspire students to explore careers in these fields. This includes organizing lectures, activities covering various aspects of these disciplines, and more. Our objective is not only to spark students' interest but also to assist them in discovering the world of law within these areas. This year we have the mandate of promoting criminal and prison law within the civil law community at the University of Ottawa, organizing informative, engaging, and educational events featuring guests practicing in the fields of criminal or prison law, as well as guests with connections to related fields and aim to improve the University of Ottawa's recognition within the field of criminal justice.

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Criminal Law Student Association

The Criminal Law Student Association at the University of Ottawa is a dynamic and engaging student group dedicated to fostering interest and understanding in criminal law. Through educational events, guest speaker series, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, we aim to connect students with professionals in the legal field. Whether you're aspiring to become a defense lawyer, prosecutor, or just have a passion for criminal justice, our association provides a supportive platform to enhance your legal education, develop practical skills, and build lasting connections.

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Crochet club

Crochet club’s purpose is to create a community around the art of crochet, to encourage self-expression, and to introduce people to this fun hobby. Crochet club will be based on values of kindness and learning to foster an environment where it is safe to make and learn from mistakes. Crochet, in groups or alone, is also a great way to destress and ground oneself. We hope to provide students a healthy escape from the stresses of school and work.

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Dance For God

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Dawah Canada at the University of Ottawa (DCuO)

Dawah Canada at the University of Ottawa, an affiliate of Dawah Canada, is dedicated to dispelling misconceptions and inaccurate information about Islam, and combating Islamophobia through educational outreach while fostering civility with other campus clubs and maintaining political neutrality. The club aims to build bridges between communities and promote awareness of Islam's message among both Muslims and non-Muslims on campus.

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Delta Delta Delta International Women's Fraternity

The Purpose of Delta Delta Delta shall be to establish a perpetual bond of friendship among its members, to develop a stronger and more womanly character, to broaden the moral and intellectual life, and to assist its members in every possible way. It shall also be the Purpose of Delta Delta Delta to promote and develop mutually beneficial relationships between the Fraternity and the colleges and universities where the Fraternity has established chapters, to develop qualities of unselfish leadership among its members, and to encourage them to assume, with integrity and devotion to moral and democratic principles, the highest responsibilities of college women.

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The Dermacare Club at the University of Ottawa is committed to educating and empowering students about dermatology and skincare. Our mandate is to provide the university community with resources, workshops, and events that promote healthy skin practices, raise awareness of various dermatology conditions, and inspire interest in the field of dermatology. By hosting educational seminars, awareness campaigns, and networking opportunities with professionals, we aim to enhance students' understanding of skin health and offer guidance for those pursuing related careers. Additionally, through community outreach and inclusive social events, the club will create a supportive and inclusive environment where students can learn from experts, share experiences, and explore career paths related to dermatology and skincare, ultimately enhancing the well-being and knowledge of the university population.

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Desi Dancers

We are University of Ottawa's first ever Bollywood dance club! This club is a great way for members to be involved in a community celebrating culture while at the same time be able to grow and improve skills in Bollywood dancing; its fun and an inclusive space for people to perform on stage and learn various styles of Indian dance. We will be hosting events throughout the term where we dance, eat and make friends. Open your phones right away and hit us up to rock to some Indian beats.

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Dew of Ottawa

Our Dew of Ottawa Club is a community of students who come together to learn about and explain the teachings of the Bible. We believe that the Bible is a precious source of wisdom and guidance that can help us navigate our lives toward the Kingdom of Heaven, following the teachings of Christ. Our club is open to students and alumni of all backgrounds and beliefs. Whether you are a Christian or simply interested in learning more about the Bible, we welcome you to join us! At our meetings, we will explore various themes and passages from the Bible through bible studies, activities, and bible seminars. Our club is a safe and inclusive space where everyone is valued and respected. We encourage open and honest dialogue, and we believe that everyone's voice and perspective is important. If you are interested in joining our Bible Club, please reach out to us to learn more about our meeting times and upcoming events. We look forward to growing together in faith and fellowship.

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Egyptian Student Association

The association’s official name is “The Egyptian Student Association”, but is also referred to as ESA. The Egyptian Student Association is a socio-cultural student organization recognized and subsidized by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO). The ESA is a non-profit, non-religious and non-political association. The Association’s objectives are to promote the Egyptian culture, customs, history, and traditions, as well as to create an atmosphere of solidarity and mutual aid between members of the Egyptian community.

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Enactus uOttawa

Enactus is a global non-profit with chapters in countries across the globe that aims to empower students to use entrepreneurial action to create a better world. At Enactus uOttawa, we do this by building businesses that make change economically, socially and environmentally. Each one of our businesses is created and operated by students on our team, in conjunction with community partners and sponsors. We also compete in competitions on a regional, national and international level, showcasing our impact to business executives from some of the largest companies in the world.

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Engineering Business Design Association

EBDA, Engineering Business Design Association aims to take the key lessons of Engineering and Business into a realm of multidisciplinary. Our goal is to engage UO students to explore key skills both soft and hard in building their own entrepreneurship journey and professional career.

Through engaging workshops, information sessions and case competitions we aim to help our members integrate accurate business practices to engineering based products and vice versa.

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Engineers Without Borders UOttawa Chapter

We are a chapter of Engineers without Borders Canada, a non-profit organization that strives to encourage international collaboration between engineers for the purpose of global challenges such as poverty, the climate crisis, food security etc. The Canadian chapters at EWB work to unlock opportunities and human potential through engineering by engaging with political figures, university students, entrepreneurs and change makers in various parts of the world. EWB aims to mobilize the engineering community and leverage technological innovation to address urgent and important global challenges, both within Canada and beyond. The chapters encourage students through various endeavours to use innovation and ingenuity to tackle these challenges. Through initiatives such as the Canada-Africa Innovation Fellowship (CAIF), Canada-Africa Virtual Talent Exchange Program, Advocacy campaigns etc., the students can gain practical experience in engineering design, policy and so on.

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English Debate Society

The EDS is the University of Ottawa's formal debate team, teaching and competing in the British and Canadian Parliamentary Formats across Canada, North America and the world. We accept all-comers and train uOttawa students to debate a variety of topics, as well as providing social opportunities. The EDS is the University's oldest club, and one of the best debate teams in Canada. We also host tournaments for other universities in English and French, provide education and two annual tournaments for high school students, and raise money for educational charities.

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Ethiopian & Eritrean Student's Association (EESA)

The purpose of this organisation is to create an inclusive space for Ethiopian and Eritrean students, regardless of religious or political views. It serves as an open space for anyone from any and all backgrounds regardless of ancestry, who are interested in learning more about the Ethiopian/Eritrean experiences, cultures and events.

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Family law Student Association

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Family Medicine Interest Group

Family medicine is a very broad, rewarding, and all-encompassing field in medicine.  Over their career, family physicians enjoy longitudinal relationships with their patients, caring for them through different stages of life and through different health needs, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual.  Family medicine is also incredibly flexible, allowing one to incorporate other areas, such as cosmetics, obstetrics, palliative care, anesthesia, emergency medicine, hospitalist medicine, or anything in between to one’s practice.  FMIG will explore the many aspects of family medicine in a variety of exciting talks and workshops this year, so come out to the Family Medicine Interest Group if you think this might be the career for you! 

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Fika Evenings

One evening a month dedicated to laughs with friends Fika uOttawa Nights was founded in 2021 as a student mental health initiative to combat the isolation felt by many students during the pandemic. The goal is to create a calm and welcoming environment where students can take a break from the hectic pace of university life and enjoy a night out with friends. Once a month, on a Friday, the Fika Club executives will hold an evening (6 to 8 PM) dedicated to uOttawa students to have fun with old and new friends in different activities (conversation, painting, drawing, card games, board games, socialization and more), drinking hot chocolate (or coffee) and eating light snacks (like cookies) in a nice and comfortable atmosphere. This is a post-covid mental health initiative for those who want to meet new people or for students who want to relax, have fun and get off of their devices. Students can come by themselves or in groups; we encourage them to bring people from other schools. Talented uOttawa student performers will perform

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Filipino Students Association at the University of Ottawa

The mandate of the Filipino Students Association of the University of Ottawa (FilSAUO) is to enthusiastically promote and celebrate Filipino culture on campus by exploring and displaying the rich Filipino culture and all that it has to offer. To host various, open activities that will unite both the Filipino community and all others who may express interest in taking part in these activities. To engage people in intellectual awareness of one of Canada’s largest ethnic minorities and their diasporic experiences.

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First Love

First Love is a Christian club made of young vibrant people full of first Love for God. Our aim is to reach out to students at Ottawa University to help them to unearth their potential and God given gifts making them productive and accountable citizens in school and any subsequent community in which they find themselves. This will be done through our understanding campaigns, testimony campaigns and outreaches etc. Our arms are open to all people regardless of race, age, gender, origin, or status. We will provide an environment on campus where University of Ottawa students will meet and support each other on their Christian journey. We seek to train members to become strong Christian and global leaders. Our passion is seeing lives positively changed and renewed. In a world that has become increasingly dark, depressing, and lonely, First Love will provide a loving community where students are encouraged spiritually, emotionally, and academically. Thus, we will bring the same positive impact to the University of Ottawa.

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Food For Friends

L'objectif principal de Food For Friends est de fournir de la nourriture et de l'aide aux personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire. Nous reconnaissons la nature interdépendante entre un manque de nourriture et de logement et croyons qu' en adressant ce problème peut potentiellement atténuer l'autre. Ainsi, le club à pour mission d'atténuer la stigmatisation associée à être sans-abri et de sensibiliser le public à ce problème urgent. Notre objectif est de lancer des conservations importantes et d'éduquer les individus sur les réalités d’être sans-abri, en soulignant qu'il peut affecter n'importe qui, quelle que soit leur circonstance sociale, économique ou personnelle.

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For the Children

For The Children works to spread awareness about Elimu; a Canadian non-profit organization that empowers Kenyan children with fundamental skills and resources to break the cycle of poverty. Raise money for Elimu’s ongoing projects. Host at least one event per semester to support Elimu.

Offer students the opportunity to help empower Kenyan children with fundamental skills and resources to break the cycle of poverty. Spread awareness about differences in educational costs between Kenya and Canada, thus helping university students acknowledge their privilege.

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Formula uOttawa

A dedicated team of students focused on designing, manufacturing and racing a Formula SAE class racecar, along with everything else it takes to manage and upkeep a motorsport team!

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Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) uOttawa (FoMSF)

FoMSF is a student-run club at uOttawa that aims to support Doctors Without Borders (MSF). MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) is an international medical aid organisation that sends medics, nurses, logisticians and other specialists to help people who have been caught up in disasters, emergencies, wars, and epidemics. They work in more than 75 countries and follow the principles of neutrality, independence, and impartiality. As FoMSF uOttawa, we host speaker events and activities to bring awareness and fundraise for MSF. We strive to educate and provide information on MSF’s fieldwork and encourage others to positively impact MSF through volunteering opportunities. We are part of a large network of other university FoMSF groups all across Canada, and we collaborate to reach similar objectives.

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Friends of the uOttawa Museum of Classical Antiquities (MCA)

The Friends of the uOttawa Museum of Classical Antiquities (MCA Club) promotes engagement with the uOttawa Museum of Classical Antiquities through events, workshops, and occasional volunteer opportunities. The Museum of Classical Antiquities (MCA) is a student-led educational collection at the University of Ottawa. The Museum focuses on the cultures of the Mediterranean with a permanent collection including a representative assortment of ceramics, several sculptures and reliefs in stone and terracotta, an important Roman numismatics collection, and a wide range of artefacts dealing with virtually all aspects of daily life in classical antiquity. Similar to a museum membership, this is a great way for students to get involved with the MCA. The club will provide members with updates about upcoming events, new exhibits, volunteer recruitment, opportunities to work alongside our dedicated museum staff, and other initiatives. This is a unique opportunity for people who are interested in classics or history, and will give members a glimpse into the museum field.

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Future Finance Club

The uOttawa Future Finance Club is dedicated to fostering financial literacy and curiosity among students while supporting regional, provincial, and national financial education organizations. We aim to provide a safe and educational environment where students can learn about personal finance through social media content, fundraising events, regular meetings, and presentations. By sharing experiences and offering resources, we empower students to take control of their financial future.

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Gabonese students association of University of Ottawa

Our association aims to promote and share Gabonese culture within the campus and with the entire student community. We also strive to support Gabonese students at the University of Ottawa. Through various events, we seek to create a positive and lasting impact on student life.

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Gee-Gees Student-Athlete Council

The University of Ottawa Student-Athlete Council (UOSAC) is a dynamic, student-led organization dedicated to enhancing the varsity experience for athletes across all sports disciplines. This council serves as a bridge between the student-athlete body, university administration, and athletic departments, ensuring that the unique needs and perspectives of student-athletes are effectively communicated and addressed. Comprised of representatives from each varsity sport, UOSAC embodies the diversity and breadth of the university's athletic community. Members are elected by their peers for their leadership qualities, commitment to their teams, and passion for improving the student-athlete experience. These representatives work collaboratively to advocate for policies and initiatives that support the holistic development of athletes, balancing academic, athletic, and personal growth. One of UOSAC's core missions is to promote student-athlete welfare. This includes advocating for mental health resources, academic support services, and ensuring fair treatment and opportunities for all athletes, regardless of their sport. The council regularly organizes workshops and seminars aimed at equipping student-athletes with skills essential for success both during and after their athletic careers. UOSAC also plays a crucial role in building a sense of community and camaraderie among student-athletes. By organizing social events, community service projects, and networking opportunities, the council helps to build a supportive and inclusive environment. These activities not only strengthen the bonds between athletes from different sports but also encourage a spirit of unity and school pride. In addition to its advocacy and community-building efforts, UOSAC is instrumental in representing student-athletes in university governance. Council members participate in various committees and meetings with university leaders, providing valuable insights into the student-athlete experience. This involvement ensures that athletes have a voice in decisions that affect their lives, from facility improvements to scheduling practices and games. Overall, the University of Ottawa Student-Athlete Council is an essential component of the university's athletic ecosystem. Through its advocacy, community engagement, and representation efforts, UOSAC empowers student-athletes to excel not only in their sports but also as leaders, scholars, and engaged members of their communities. The council's work is a testament to the university's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to make a positive impact both on and off the field.

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GirlUp uOttawa

GirlUp uOttawa is an Ottawa chapter of the larger GirlUp organization that raises awareness of gender, specifically girl-centred issues. It works on equity for girls and women in education, safety, leadership, and more. It was founded by the United Nations Fund and has been a chapter at the University of Ottawa for a few years now.  

GirlUp uOttawa has over ten exec members and over 100 signed-up general members. In the past, we have organized events that have supported women in our local and global communities. For instance, last year, we raised over a thousand dollars to to support the Youville Centre (an association near uOttawa that supports teen mothers pursuing an education). Moreover, we have held various roundtable discussions, "Women in Leadership" panels, study socials, and more. Our club holds the university's values in the highest regard, and we have worked very hard to make the club as accessible and welcoming to new students as possible in the past (i.e. we create safe spaces for collaboration and discussion, all our content is available on both official languages, etc.). This school year, we plan on doing more fundraising and volunteer-orientated activities. After participating in the club fair, we have already had new members sign up, and we are all very excited to get back to supporting girls and women in our school, local, and global community.

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Haitian Student Club of The University of Ottawa

Through various socio-cultural, recreational and educational activities, the C.E.H.U.O. (hereinafter the "Club") has as its main objective the promotion of Haitian culture firstly within the University of Ottawa student community and secondly within the Ontario community in general. It also aims to create bonds of friendship, solidarity and mutual aid within the global community in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

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HanVoice uOttawa

HanVoice is a proudly-Canadian organization dedicated to advocating for human rights in North Korea, supporting refugees and influencing policy. It actively engages in awareness campaigns, community support and advocacy training, educating sponsors and coordinating resettlement. HanVoice uOttawa is one of HanVoice Canada's 20 chapters across the country. HanVoice uOttawa focuses on advocating and raising awareness about the human rights violations in North Korea; fundraising and engaging students, potential sponsors and the public through club events; closely working with HanVoice Canada to support their current and future missions.

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Health Law student association of the University of Ottawa

This is a group of Law students interested in a wide range of health law topics, including health regulation and policy bioethics, pharmaceutical patents and gouvernance, regulation natural health products, medical malpractice, medical product liability and mental health law. The mission of this club is to raise the profile of health law issues at the School and to provide exposure to the field and opportunities for students interested in studying and pursuing a career in health law. Healthcare is a highly regulated industry and with the new healthcare reform bill, the law regarding healthcare is growing and evolving. This means that health law is an exciting area of study as well as an excellent area for lawyers. We would like to bring in experts to discuss various components of health law and enlighten students on relevant issues. We will also work to improve employment prospects for students interested in health law by bringing potential employers to network with students.

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Health Law Students’ Association

Health Law Students' Association is a club that enhances the professional development of students that are interested in pursuing their legal career in some area of health law. We hold events that allow law students at the University of Ottawa to connect with legal professionals that practice medical malpractice law, privacy law, personal injury law, patent law, health and safety, mental health law, and beyond. We are open to students with a non-science related undergraduate background.

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Health Sciences Networking Association

Our club is centered around networking, where students get to network and meet other like-minded students, predominantly in the health sciences and science field. We host networking events during he year geared on building conversation and networking opportunities, as well as events around career paths students can take after their undergrad.

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Heart 4 Heart Charity - uOttawa Chapter

Heart 4 Heart is a nonprofit organization that raises money to fund life-saving surgeries for children in various developing countries born with congenital heart defects. We operate on the basis of fundraising for one specific child assigned to us by Gift of Life International at a time. It is run by students from many schools and is now run at uOttawa as well.

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Heart of the City Piano Program Ottawa Branch

The mission of the Heart of the City Piano program (HCPP) is simple: make music accessible to every child. The study of music is costly and often inaccessible to youth who are economically disadvantaged. We strive to give these children the opportunity to discover music by providing them with piano lessons given at their school by volunteers. Presently, the Ottawa branch of the program includes 4 schools from the public school board system in Ottawa and a collaboration with ?The Ottawa Hospital (TOH). HCPP not only teaches the students an instrument, It teaches them a means of self-expression, communication and instills self-confidence. We need your help to succeed!

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Hearts Against Trafficking

Hearts Against Trafficking (HAT) is a philanthropic student club. Our goal is to raise funds to help recognized non-profits continue projects, which are aimed to protect children (and everyone) from sexual exploitation and human trafficking. In addition, our goal is to spread awareness regarding the dangers of the digital world with respect to sexual exploitation, and correct misconceptions about trafficking. Furthermore, in the future, we hope to create informational events for University of Ottawa students who may be subjected to sexual assault.

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Her Campus at uOttawa

Her Campus is an online magazine targeted at the female college student demographic. Content in the magazine is written by more than 7,000 contributors from more than 400 campus chapters located in nine countries.

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Human Kinetics Future Careers

HKFC Human Kinetics Future Careers serves as a platform for University of Ottawa students studying in Human Kinetics to explore diverse career paths and prepare for the workforce. Our agency is dedicated to providing members with career development workshops, including resume building and job search strategies, as well as hosting guest lectures by employers and professionals from various domains. Additionally, we organize a job market to connect students with potential employers. Through these initiatives, we aim to bridge the gap between academic study and career success, ensuring that students are well-equipped to enter a range of professions within and beyond human kinetics.

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I.T.I.S - uOttawa (hereinafter referred to as I.T.I.S) is a business club for Chinese students interested in Innovation, Technology, Investment, and Strategy. The club will connect with all sectors of society, and jointly provide a professional and vertically segmented resource interaction platform for students of the University of Ottawa by promoting the Chinese innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. The club is committed to promoting the influence of Chinese innovation and entrepreneurship in North America, building a link between local business and the Chinese market, and helping local business development; at the same time, it also creates better conditions for the career development of Chinese international students, strives for more opportunities, and connects with better Promotion platform.

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IEEE uOttawa Student Branch

The IEEE uOttawa Student Branch is the premier student organization at the University of Ottawa within Region 7, affiliated with the IEEE Ottawa Section. As the official Sub-Association for ELG/CEG/SEG under ESS, we are dedicated to enhancing the academic journey of every engineering student. We provide a supportive environment equipped with modern equipment, textbooks, and a quit, accessible study space. Our office is a welcoming place where students can study, collaborate, and access the resources they need for their courses and projects, in addition to featuring a fully-equipped lab space for practical learning, including FPGA and oscilloscope access. Networking is paramount in our branch. We organize events like the Women in Tech Panel and Wine & Cheese, which connects students with industry professionals. These events provide valuable opportunities to meet and learn from experienced engineers, gain insights into the industry, and build connections that can help with future career opportunities. We also host a variety of engineering-focused events throughout the year, catering to different interests and helping students develop a wide range of skills. Some of our popular events include Battle Royale, Wine and Cheese, Cookies and Cram sessions, IEEE Mixer, Embedded Code Architecture Workshop (ECAW), and QUIZ MIEEE. Additionally, the Women In Engineering (WIE) chapter is an integral part of our branch, empowering women in STEM through signature events such as the IEEE Wine & Cheese. This chapter provides a platform for female engineering students to connect, share experiences, and support each other in their academic and professional journeys. WIE organizes events and activities that promote gender diversity in engineering and encourage more women to pursue careers in STEM fields. Join us for enriching experiences and unparalleled networking opportunities, as we shape the future of engineering together

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iGem uOttawa

iGem (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is a non-profit organisation (NPO) that aims to provide research experience to highschool, undergraduate, and post-graduate students through an annual synthetic biology competition (“Grand Jamboree”). Participants around the world work together to design, build, and test novel biological systems using synthetic biology techniques. The competition provides students with a unique opportunity to develop hands-on experience in this rapidly growing field and to collaborate and exchange ideas with other students from diverse backgrounds. The iGem headquarters are located within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of Cambridge, Massachusetts. This club was created to provide the students at the University of Ottawa with an avenue to get involved in synthetic biology research. As a free-to-join club, we aim to provide both research & entrepreneurial experience to undergraduate students. Additionally, we seek to connect with youth members of the community (i.e. elementary and highschool students) in order to introduce basic synthetic biology concepts and inspire younger students to seek future careers in related fields. Finally, we aim to conduct in-lab research that will bring rise to a novel biological system. This system will be presented in November at the Grand Jamboree, where we plan to represent & bring recognition to the University of Ottawa as a serious competitor in biotechnological research.

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Illuminé is a social club for Christian young adults. We meet every week for Bible study, and have monthly social events. We welcome everybody, whether a Christian, or somebody just interested in learning more about what we believe!

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Indigenous Medical Learners Association

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INSAF is a student led Palestinian solidarity group at the University of Ottawa which aims to accomplish the following: 1. Educate the university and the greater Ottawa community about the realities of the ongoing occupation of Palestine and the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people; 2. Advocate for Palestinian human rights primarily through urging a greater Canadian involvement and participation in recoginizing the disparate nature of the occupation; 3. Dedicate support for the realization of full Palestinian sovereign liberation and self-determination.

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Insight uOttawa

The purpose of Insight uOttawa is to expose students to the possible career paths involving vision health, offer resources to students interested in applying to optometry school, & provide students with networking opportunities.

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Inspire Tomorrow

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Intellectual Property Law Association of University of Ottawa

The mission of this association is to promote intellectual property law and related matters to the University of Ottawa civil law student community. It is to develop the University of Ottawa's reputation in the field of intellectual property. It is to provide an opportunity for students to communicate and network with high level individuals in the field of intellectual property law. It is to form relationships with other law schools in Canada that have intellectual property law associations.

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Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology (ICP)

ICP | CIP is an annual peer-reviewed conference held at the University of Ottawa. ICP | CIP is organized by a committee of graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Psychology. Our conference missions include: promoting interdisciplinary research related to the field of psychology, knowledge translation to the general public, as well as cultivating, strengthening, and diversifying the understanding of the applications of science among future researchers. The ICP | CIP club organizes the conference and all the events related to the conference throughout the year.

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Internal Medicine Interest Group

The Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) provides students with the opportunity to explore Internal Medicine and its variety of subspecialties through educational workshops and seminars given by professionals in their respective fields. The IMIG also aims to help students network within the field of Internal Medicine and learn about the lifestyle and career paths of Internal Medicine professionals.

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International Law Students Association (ILSA)

The International Law Students Association (ILSA) is a club at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Common Law. Its goal is to promote the study of international law within the University of Ottawa Community, as well as promote events and career opportunities in the field of international law.

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International Student Friendship Program

International Student Friendship Club is a group of international students and community members whose goal is to extend a warm welcome with Christ’s love to international students of all nationality and religion through organizing activities such as English conversation, Bible discussion and social activities throughout the academic year.

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We are a group of anglophone and francophone students trying to figure what it means to follow Jesus in this day and age at the University of Ottawa! We value coming together to discover the entirety of who God is in Scripture – whether that in home settings with dinner and board games, on campus with worship music and meeting other students at Bible study, or at parks with a frisbee and a BBQ. Come join us as we learn to be a community together with help from Holy Spirit that loves across all types of differences, figuring out life’s big questions together!

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Iraqi Student Association of Ottawa

The Iraqi Student Association of Ottawa is a cultural community dedicated to supporting Iraqi students in Ottawa. Our association celebrates the richness and diversity of Iraqi culture through cultural events, workshops, and social activities. We provide a space where members can connect, share experiences, and explore together the traditions, history, and art of Iraq.

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Islamic Relief UOttawa

Islamic Relief à l'Université d'Ottawa a pour objectif de collecter des fonds, de soutenir et de travailler avec les communautés afin de renforcer leur résistance face aux calamités et d'aider à fournir une aide d'urgence vitale lorsque des catastrophes se produisent. Nous nous attaquons aux causes profondes de la pauvreté et veillons à ce que les personnes les plus vulnérables du monde aient une réelle influence dans nos programmes et nos actions de sensibilisation. Nous soutenons les causes d'Islamic Relief Canada (IRC), tant localement qu'à l'étranger, sans discrimination fondée sur la foi, la couleur, la race, le sexe ou la croyance, et nous fournissons de l'aide avec compassion et dignité. Nous cherchons à remplir notre obligation de réduire la pauvreté en respectant les valeurs fondamentales de l'IRC, à savoir la sincérité, l'excellence, la compassion, la justice sociale et la garde.

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Club logo uOttawa uOttawa works to identify and break down barriers to positive mental health and make concrete changes in the University of Ottawa community. We focus on ending the silence around mental health, increasing help-seeking behaviours and advocating for more accessible services on campus. All uOttawa work is underpinned by the message that everyone has mental health, and everyone needs to care for it. uOttawa is a student-led chapter of the registered Canadian Charity known as Although we are affiliated with the charity, we operate independently as the University of Ottawa chapter and all executive members and general members are registered University of Ottawa students. We do not participate in commercial, for-profit activities.

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Kappa Beta Gamma International Sorority

Kappa Beta Gamma is a unique, non-Panhellenic sorority. We cultivate an Environment for women to develop socially, morally, and intellectually through their college years and beyond. Our members are more than friends and Chapters, we’re Sisters and Family! We work together to ensure that all of our Sisters enjoy an unmatched sorority experience.

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Kelpie Robotics

Kelpie Robotics is made up of undergraduate students passionate about applying their learning to the seas. Through participation in the annual MATE-ROV competition, we apply our learning, design new solutions, and challenge ourselves to build a truly exceptional underwater ROV. We pride ourselves on being a student-run team, developing a strong culture of collaboration, and enhancing the post-secondary experience for our members. As a unique blend of disciplines, Kelpie provides engaging, hands-on experience for all team members. Within our first year as a team, we successfully competed in the MATE ROV World Championship with institutions from around the globe.

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Kids Connect Africa - uOttawa

Kids Connect Africa - uOttawa Chapter (KCA uOttawa) is a local branch of the international organization Kids Connect Africa. The club’s mission is to inspire, motivate, and empower the next generation of African leaders by offering University of Ottawa students opportunities for personal development, leadership, and community engagement, while highlighting African culture.

The main objective of KCA uOttawa is to provide students with a space for exchange and learning where they can cultivate leadership skills, explore and celebrate the richness of African cultures, and actively contribute to community service initiatives. In alignment with the mission of the parent organization, KCA uOttawa seeks to inspire young people to become agents of positive change while staying connected to their cultural roots.

The club organizes a variety of events and activities, including personal development workshops, cultural events, and open discussions through the Causons Discutons series. This flagship event allows participants to debate key issues relating to Africa while proposing innovative solutions and encouraging critical thinking. Additionally, KCA uOttawa offers cultural workshops where members can discover and participate in activities that highlight African traditions, such as culinary demonstrations, dance and music performances, and artisanal craft workshops.

A core aspect of KCA uOttawa is its commitment to community service. The club regularly engages in fundraising and charitable actions in support of educational and social causes in Africa, while encouraging its members to actively participate in local community efforts in Ottawa.

Membership in KCA uOttawa is open to all university students, regardless of their academic background or origin, fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and engagement. By joining the club, members not only acquire practical leadership skills but also strengthen their connection to African culture and contribute to the development of their communities.

In short, KCA uOttawa is a club where students can grow as leaders while deepening their cultural identity.

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Kinesiology Games Team

Kin Games is the largest student-run undergrad conference in the country. We compete in Academics, Athletics, Dance & Spirit against other Kinesiology teams from different universities around Canada. It is a great organization to meet new people with the same interests and career paths as you, and also make life long friends and connections. This year we are heading to Calgary to compete at Mount Royal University.

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kreyasyon Divin

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Kuwaiti Aspiring Medical Students Association (KAMSA)

The Kuwaiti Aspiring Medical Students Association (KAMSA) is a dynamic and supportive community at the University of Ottawa, dedicated to fostering the growth of Kuwaiti students pursuing careers in healthcare. Our mission is to promote academic excellence and professional development through a variety of initiatives such as knowledge exchange events (workshops, study groups), community service (volunteering), and mentorship programs. These programs are tailored to support students in navigating medical school applications and career planning while addressing the unique needs of aspiring medical professionals.

KAMSA provides a platform for its members to apply their knowledge to real-world health challenges through community service initiatives. We also focus on organizing culturally rich events that reflect Kuwaiti heritage, fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment.

In addition, KAMSA is committed to advocating for the interests of Kuwaiti premedical students, ensuring that their academic, professional, and personal needs are supported as they transition into the medical school. Our leadership team organizes regular events, promotes collaboration, and ensures that members have access to resources that will help them succeed both academically and professionally.

With values centered around excellence, inclusivity, and professional development, KAMSA operates on a not-for-profit basis, dedicated to ensuring equity among its members and continually striving to represent the interests of Kuwaiti students within the medical field.

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Labour and Employment Law Association

Annually, the Association aims to promote labor and employment law to students of the Civil Law Section through its events. Over the years, the association has gained influence and recognition, attracting motivated students and professors specializing in this field. Today, the Labor Law Association has become a major player in the legal scene at the University of Ottawa. Its mandate for this year is focused on three main objectives: education, awareness and networking.

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Lambda Theta Chapter of the Sigma Chi International Fraternity

The Lambda Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi was founded on November 20, 2010. At the time of its founding, it became Sigma Chi’s 237th chapter and Canada’s tenth chapter. Located at the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Ontario, the Lambda Theta Chapter is the preeminent collegiate leadership development organization on its campus. The chapter is active both terms of the year: Fall and Winter. It holds numerous social, philanthropic and leadership building events in and around the Ottawa area. The core values of Sigma Chi are friendship, justice, and learning. The members of the Lambda Theta Chapter are students from all backgrounds, possessed of different temperaments, talents, and convictions. They act as a team to impact positively their community by organizing charity work and enriching the student life at the University of Ottawa. The Lambda Theta Chapter aims mainly to cultivate and to support the future leaders of tomorrow’s growth by advocating for a principle-centered lifestyle focused on transformative leadership.

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Latin American Heritage Club

The purpose of University of Ottawa Hispanic Latin-American Association is to promote

the cultures, languages, history and heritage of Latin America. This is accomplished through

social-cultural events and workshops, which invite students of all backgrounds to celebrate,

learn, and experience Latin American pride.

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Law and International Affairs Network

The Law & International Affairs Network connects new students, upper years, and alumni to each other to promote success in the joint JD/MA program at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. Learn more about the program here:

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Lawyers Without Borders- University of Ottawa

The mission of the student association of Avocats sans frontières of Ottawa university is to represent and ensure the visibility of Avocats sans frontières Canada and raise awareness amongst the student community on the protection of human rights. Moreover, the club aims to promote the importance of the establishment and reinforcement of the rule of law and the fight against impunity while informing local and international challenges related to the mission of ASFC.

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Le 460

Our club organizes and / or promotes activities of human and spiritual growth in a Catholic context, but open to all, respectful of the religious affiliation of each one (conferences, times of prayer, humanitarian aid projects in the Third World, retreats, etc). In particular, we want to allow French speakers or lovers of the French language to meet each other and to create friendships through the activities that the club organizes and / or promotes.

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Learning for Charity

APC est un organisme sans but lucratif dirigé par des étudiants bénévoles de l'Université d'Ottawa. Son but est de fournir un service de tutorat accessible et abordable aux étudiants de l'Université d'Ottawa (et aux étudiants des écoles secondaires locales) tout en versant 100% des profits au Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l'est de l'Ontario (CHEO). APC vise également à connecter les étudiants de l'Université d'Ottawa via son programme de mentorat gratuit. Enfin, APC vise à offrir une expérience de bénévolat significative à tous ses membres via des événements sociaux et une occasion de contribuer à une cause importante.

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Lebanese Cultural Club - LCC

The Lebanese Cultural Club at uOttawa celebrates the rich heritage of Lebanon through vibrant events, social gatherings, and cultural showcases. We bring together students to experience Lebanese traditions, cuisine, music, and more, creating a welcoming space for everyone to explore and enjoy Lebanese culture!

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The Ligue d'improvisation étudiante universitaire (LIEU)’s mandate is to present shows, promote francophone culture on the University of Ottawa campus and throughout the region, and develop the talent, creativity and personality of its members.

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Lift Your Mood

Lift your mood is a club that aims to bring individuals together who share a common interest in working out and improving their mental health, but who also want to make more connections with others with like minded goals. Our objective is to help those who feel at a loss on where to begin in the gym or who aren’t comfortable going to the gym alone together to help support each other. What makes this club a great idea is that it also helps improve physical and mental health among students. Maintaining a healthy mental health is incredibly important and working out is a great way to help maintain and improve one's mood. Staying active has many benefits including creating healthy habits, improves sleep and helps manage stress, all of which are incredibly important during the school year, which in turn help improve mental health. The club will host meetings to help members get to know one another and feel more comfortable with each other. Events the club can host can include group fitness classes. The club will stress the importance of inclusivity and healthy living. This club will be easy for people to join as  University of Ottawa students have paid the athletic fees to have access to the needed facilities. One of the clubs main priorities will be to streamline a way for students to contact one another to book times to go to the gym with one another. This way students will feel more encouraged to head to the gym and help improve their well-being. 

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Lighthouse Adventist Christian Fellowship

Our club, Lighthouse ACF, aims to provide social opportunities and structured meetings for University of Ottawa (uOttawa) students. We strive to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere where students can share their beliefs, promote their spiritual growth, and receive needed services. We are dedicated to being a beacon of hope by spreading the message of the gospel on campus and in the wider community. Additionally, we seek to establish a Seventh-day Adventist presence at uOttawa, serving as a support group for individuals of like faith and those with differing beliefs.

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Mandarin Christian Fellowship

Mandarin Christian Fellowship is a Christian club run by UOttawa Christian students since 1995. It is affiliated with the Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church (OMAC). This fellowship aims to provide a spiritual home for students of all backgrounds and help them explore Christian faith, develop friendships, nurture the spirit of community services, and deepen their spiritual growth through weekly gatherings. 

Weekly gatherings include dinner, worship and Bible studies.

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Mechanical Engineering Student Society

Le but premier de l'association est de servir les étudiants de premier cycle en mécanique et en génie biomédical ; en particulier, l'association s'engage à: Organiser des événements sociaux et académiques régulièrement pendant les trimestres d'automne et d'hiver, rechercher et promouvoir les opportunités et les ressources académiques/professionnelles, et assurer la liaison entre le corps étudiant et la faculté/le département.

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Med-Tech Society uOttawa

The purpose of the Med-Tech Society is to foster collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing among students interested in the intersection of medicine and technology. The society aims to provide opportunities for professional development, networking, and education in the field of medical technology.Activities include networking events, workshops, and updates on the latest trends in medical technology posted on various social platforms. Our goal is to keep students informed about the rapidly evolving landscape of medical technology and to provide support for their pursuits in related fields.

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MedAid Cuba

MedAid Cuba is driven to do our part in making the world a better place. Since 2023, the purpose of MedAid Cuba has been to help Cuban healthcare as it faces dire resource shortages and promote a healthier, more hopeful future for Cuban people. We hope to provide support to hospitals and, if possible, communities in need by delivering critical medical and other essential supplies. Specifically, for the dedicated and resilient Cuban healthcare professionals who tirelessly care for their communities and to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients.

We hope to accomplish our mission through fundraising events and workshops, donations from local businesses and people in the community, and collaborations with other organizations to be able to collect and send as many medical supplies as possible.

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Medical Diversity Interest Group

Enhance your knowledge of the infamous "Hidden Curriculum" of medical school: our mandate is to educate the doctors of tomorrow on how to be more aware, accepting, compassionate, and cross-culturally competent of underrepresented populations (e.g. 2SLGBTQIA+, disabled, and many other vulnerable populations) to help combat discrimination within the medical community. Our goal is to make you feel confident that you are giving the most mindful, respectful, and safest care to all patients while also empowering you to know your own rights as a doctor, patient, and student when it comes to accommodation and discrimination.

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Medical Trivia Interest Group

Stressed about exams? Worried about studying? The Medical Trivia Interest Group has your back! We are a group of students passionate about some of the more niche tidbits of medical learning. We want to share these fun facts in a way that is helpful to studying by hosting exam review sessions covering high yield (and fun) content.

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Medicine4youth (M4Y) is a dedicated non-profit organization, based in North America, that aims to empower young people with a passion for medicine. Our mission is to provide valuable resources, support, and opportunities to aspiring medical professionals to thrive and achieve their goals. Medicine4youth takes great pleasure in creating an environment where students interested in healthcare occupations, can explore prospects through a variety of initiatives. By creating a network of likeminded people, we hope to inspire and guide the future generation of healthcare leaders!

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MEDLIFE uOttawa is a national charitable organization that is dedicated to building a worldwide movement empowering those at a disadvantage, due to financial and other socioeconomic factors, in their fight for equal access to healthcare, education and a safe home. Through Fundraising and volunteer initiatives, we hope to raise money that can be used to contribute towards this change. Partnerships with various organizations allow for general members to volunteer in different environments and have the opportunity to discuss this impact amongst their peers. Meetings will be held biweekly for all members to connect and ask for support from the executive members. All public donations and funds raised by our club go towards the MEDLIFE Project Fund as well as local charities. Therefore, 100% of donations made to the MEDLIFE Project Fund are used in the construction of community development projects, such as staircases, schools, and safe homes. Funds may also be used to allow students to participate in Service Learning Trips. Service Learning trips allow for our dedicated members to travel to locations such as Peru and Ecuador to participate in Mobile Clinics, Development Projects, and more. The goal of our club is to inspire individuals within the community to expand their thinking to a global perspective and grasp the concept that their effort can provide people around the world with basic access to healthcare to improve their quality of life.

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Melius uOttawa

Melius Mentorship Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to closing the disparities in education from those coming from indigenous/refugee/low income backgrounds. The youth are our future and as a society, ensuring that every student has access to the best resources and guidance for education is imperative for ensuring their success. Our goal at Melius is to not only help refugees/immigrant students to better acclimate to their new home but also guide them in their academic ambitions.

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Menstruation REDefined uOttawa

We are a youth led non profit focused on advocating for menstrual equity and reproductive health for all menstruators in Ottawa.

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Multiculturalité et Éthique en Éducation (METHIC-EDU) is a peer-learning network created at the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Education, primarily for French-speaking teacher-training students from recent immigrant backgrounds. This network offers virtual spaces for exchange and support to promote their well-being and their academic and professional success. METHIC-EDU's activities include resource exchange forums, professional development workshops, video vignettes on effective teaching strategies, and personalized mentoring. The association also accompanies these students on their path to professional integration through services such as CV revision and job interview preparation.

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Middle Eastern and North African Common Law Student Association

The Middle Eastern and North African Law Students' Association is dedicated to creating and inclusive space for MENA law students and their allies at the University of Ottawa. We believe in amplifying the voices of MENA students and celebrating the rich history and culture of our diverse backgrounds.

Our goal is to foster cultural understanding, promote academic excellence, and provide networking opportunities with MENA legal professionals. 1

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Middle Eastern and North African Students in Law

Student club for students from the Middle East and North Africa in the civil law section of the faculty of law.

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Minds on AI

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MisAmigos Disabilities Club

MisAmigos Club at the University of Ottawa is committed to the promotion of mental health and the creation of a supportive community for people with disabilities. Our mission is to provide a university environment where caring, accessibility and inclusiveness are not mere ideals, but realities experienced daily by all members of the community. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where every member of the community can flourish, contribute and participate fully in university life in a respectful, supportive and bilingual space. We also value the French language.

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Moon Time Connections - University of Ottawa Chapter

Founded to support Moon Time Connections, an organization collecting period product for Northern Indigenous Communities.

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Mountain Biking Club

We are a year-round mountain biking club that loves having fun riding our bikes and especially love those after ride beers. The club is most active on weekends in the Ottawa and Gatineau regions. We offer cross country rides, downhill and fatbiking on a weekly basis. With our large variety of trails, we welcome all riders (beginner to expert). The club also hosts a cross country race for all university students of skill level intermediate and above to participate in as well as joins other race hosts by other universities. Join us for a fun ride and a drink!

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Move for Mental Health

Move for Mental Health is a philanthropic club with the goal of creating a community at uOttawa that promotes mental health through physical activity and overall wellness. We have created a welcoming space for students to participate in our events where profits are donated directly to local mental health charities. Aside from our events, this club strives to connect students with similar struggles and to share resources within our community. Our efforts are not considered a replacement for treating mental health; instead, they are used as an additional aid by encouraging day-to-day movement and health.

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REMCNC is committed to actively improve the integration of Malian students and youth here in Canada every year. The goal is for everyone, without distinction, to reach their full potential and we want to make this possible by providing practical help, useful information, mentoring and tutoring opportunities as well as socio-cultural activities to promote Malian culture, education, science, entrepreneurship and to strengthen the sense of organization and initiative among African youth here in Canada.

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Murmurs: The Journal of Art and Healing

Murmurs is a magazine focused on the celebration of Arts and Humanities in Medicine. Every year, we choose and a theme and accept visual and literary art submissions from Canadian medical students. This includes short stories, poetry, paintings, photography, digital art, etc. We accept submissions in English and French. This year, Murmurs will publish its 11th edition.

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Muslim Law Student Association


The purpose of the MLSA shall be to serve as a representative body of Muslims on campus which caters to their needs, while striving  to be a vibrant, integrated and contributing body within the campus community.

The MLSA aims to:

  1. To serve as the representative voice of Muslims at the Faculty of Law, University of  Ottawa;  

  2. To cater to and accommodate the intellectual, spiritual and social needs of Muslim students;  

  3. To build a cohesive and unified community of Muslims on campus;  

  4. To expand MLSA’s scope of work and influence within the larger campus community; 

  5. To provide opportunities for leadership development within MLSA’s student body; and  

  6. To participate in community initiatives that complement MLSA’s mission.  

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Mylo uOttawa

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Net Zero Tiny House Club

The Net Zero Tiny House Club is a multidisciplinary club devoted to working on engineering solutions to social issues revolving around housing. Specifically, we devote ourselves to finding and designing solutions to help those with economic barriers including students, peoples who experience homelessness, and those who suffered from natural disasters in a environmentally sustainable way.

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Neuroscience Club

The club aims to share research through educational seminars, providing students with a deeper understanding of the brain and its functions. We also plan to organize fundraising events to support research initiatives and contribute to advancements in cognitive health. Additionally, the club will use social media and seminars to highlight ongoing studies, creating an environment where students passionate about neuroscience and cognitive health can collaborate, engage in discussions, and learn together.

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New Media Club

The main objective of the uOttawa New Media Club is to improve students’ digital literacy by providing opportunities to learn about and utilize new media in professional and personal settings. The club will host networking events, talks with uOttawa alumni, and other club activities to achieve this goal.

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Nu Sigma Pi Sorority

Our sorority Nu sigma pi have six different pillars that we based our events on. Our pillars are compose of sisterhood, social, athletics, philanthropy, fundraising, and academics. We hold our pillars very close to our hearts. Each of them bring joy to our members when participating, and success when we try something new or bond as a sisterhood. Every semester we hold a rush period where women at the University of Ottawa, Carleton, La Cité, and Algonquin are welcomed to participate. Our rush period is in hopes of finding new members to bring in our sisterhood. After our rush period these women have the opportunity to become pledges within our organization and see if Nu Sigma Pi is the right fit for them. We have an absolute no hazing policy within our organization. As a whole we do not ever want to make anyone feel uncomfortable and unheard. We always make sure that our events represent our values and the ones of others. The pledging period is about building new friendships with other pledges and the sisters. It is a time to celebrate and share our values and difference with new members. Our sorority have important positions such as member experience chair and inclusion and diversity chair to promote some of our most important values. We always ensure to educate ourselves about different cultures, important movements, and different hardships happening in Canada and other countries. It is important to our sorority as a whole to stay educated about different topics and find ways to support people in need. We also want to ensure our members are comfortable within our sisterhood. It is deeply important to us to make sure everyone has a voice and new ideas are always welcomed. Our main goals as a sorority is to ensure everyone feels welcomed, supported, and respected whether that be our sisters, our alumnus, other members of different sororities and fraternities, and other people on campus and in the Ottawa community.

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Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group

The Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group (NLMIG) aims to demonstrate the importance of the six pillars of lifestyle medicine (nutrition, physical activity, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, restorative sleep, and social connection) for patients, the population at large, and in our personal lives. Come join us for fun and informative talks and workshops to learn more about how nutrition and lifestyle medicine can be incorporated into every medical speciality.

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Omega Theta Alpha Fraternity

We are Omega Theta Alpha, one of the many fraternities on campus. We contribute to our community through philanthropic initiatives engaging social events. We encourage our members to act in accordance with our core values such as respect, accountability, and integrity in their day to day interactions in the world. Our club not only offers a steady and inviting home for gentlemen searching for one, but also an extensive alumni network that all members can utilize for greater opportunity after post secondary.

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Operation Come Home uOttawa

Operation Come Home uOttawa, is a club that is partnered with the Operation Come Home organization. Operation Come Home has been working tirelessly in the Ottawa region to prevent and help youth experiencing homelessness from becoming homeless adults. They do this by providing housing, employment opportunities, and proper education. Operation Come Home provides the stepping stones needed to ensure a bright, promising future for the youths of Ottawa. The uOttawa chapter will be working closely with Operation Come Home to fundraise as much as we can to provide funding for all the various programs the organization holds.

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Organ Donation Awareness Club

The purpose of the Organ Donation Awareness Club is to educate University of Ottawa students who express interest in learning about blood/organ donation. This club also facilitates communication between various Canadian health organizations which have pertinent information about organ donation. The Organ Donation Awareness Club will also provide support and outlets to students who may be dealing with health complications related to organ failure, or have family members diagnosed with organ failure. The Organ Donation Awareness Club was formed to provide assistance to students who are or know someone impacted by organ failure, through provision of resources and peer support.

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Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) at the University of Ottawa is a campus ministry program aimed at connecting Orthodox Christian students and those interested in the Orthodox Christian faith. Our goal is to cultivate a campus community of fellowship, prayer, service, and study of the Faith (Acts 2:42). OCF’s vision is to inspire students to commit to living an Orthodox Christian way of life daily.

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Ottawa Campus Chaplaincy

The purpose of Ottawa Campus Chaplaincy is to be a community of Christian faith, scholarship, and imagination. The club hosts a weekly gathering called Feast & Faith, where students gather for free food and thoughtful conversations about the Christian faith. The goal is to create an environment for students that welcomes questions and explores how faith might impact various fields of study. We also support the Campus Inklings which hosts pub nights, book discussions and movie nights. In the spirit of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien and friends we want to create hospitable spaces where we can imagine the world we're a part of and how we are called to participate in it.

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Ottawa Canvassing Club

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Ottawa Ismaili Students Association

The Ottawa Ismaili Student’s Association (OISA) is a student group dedicated to developing the physical, academic, social, and cultural well-being of Ismaili post-secondary students in Ottawa, their families and the wider community. With access to a large Post-Secondary student group, the ISAs are in a unique position to educate, encourage and provide resources to their fellow students who will one day be leaders in the wider community, and are forefront in community building and engagement for this segment. ISAs are also a conduit to Institutional support (i.e. mental health, mentorship) for their members and families. The mission of the Ottawa Ismaili Students Association is to enhance the unity and quality of life of ISA members, and the greater community, through educational, social, cultural, recreational, health, civic and leadership activities and services. Doing so effectively and efficiently, in collaboration with partnering institutions and in accordance with the Ismaili principles and ethics.

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Ottawa Punjabi Association

We've recognized the need for an official Punjabi association representing the vibrant student community in Ottawa. After thoughtful discussions and planning, we’re excited to introduce OTPA – the Ottawa Punjabi Association, connecting students across all of Ottawa's universities and colleges.

OTPA is more than just an organization. It's an inclusive community where everyone is welcome, no matter what. Whether you can flawlessly execute a bhangra move or are just curious Punjabi culture (or the food - no judgement here), you will always have a space here in OTPA. Our events will range from cultural showcases to meaningful discussions, all aimed at building a strong, inclusive community.

Welcome to OTPA – a place where Ottawa’s student body can come together to celebrate and grow.

Let’s build something memorable together!

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Ottawa Socialist Literature Group

We are a non-sectarian left wing reading group that is primarily dedicated to educating people in left-wing thought by encouraging the reading of left-wing literature and thorough discussion in discussion groups. Everyone is welcome to join regardless of their knowledge of these topics. This is a space where people interested in this literature or are just looking to know more are welcome to learn together.

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Outrageous Love

Outrageous Love Club is focussed on bringing city transformation through mobilizing friend groups to meet the needs of people in their community. We challenge students to identify individuals or communities in need, rally their friends together, and meet the need expecting nothing in return.

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Pakistani Students Association

The Pakistan Students' Association is an organization at the University of Ottawa whose goal is to promote the culture and heritage of Pakistan to the city of Ottawa through social and cultural events in order to allow members to embrace the Pakistani tradition. The events organized are mainly for the sheer enjoyment of the students at the university and include but are not limited to cultural displays, formals dinners, social gatherings. The members of the PSA hope to use their platform to present a positive image of Pakistan and provide an outlet for students to feel close to home. They hope to adopt the true ideology of what Pakistan and its people represent. Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip themselves by discipline, education, and training for the arduous task lying ahead of them.

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Palestinian Student Association

2.1 The “(Palestinian Student Association)” is a cultural, social, democratic, and independent club that aims to:

2.1.1 Represent and advocate for Palestinian students at the University of Ottawa;

2.1.2 Promote, celebrate, and embrace religious diversity within a secular framework;

2.1.3 Collaborate with other student organizations, academic departments, and community groups, Organize and participate in social events, cultural exchanges, and recreational activities; Promote cross-cultural understanding, social justice, and human rights;

2.1.4 Raise awareness about the Palestinian cause and issues affecting Palestinians;

2.1.5 Revive Palestinian history, culture, heritage, and folklore among its members and the University of Ottawa community; and

2.1.6 Protect Palestinian history, culture, heritage, and folklore.

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PennyDrops uOttawa

PennyDrops is a student-run non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of financial education in Canada. Our mission is to ensure that all Canadian students have the knowledge and confidence to make informed financial decisions post-graduation. With the financial backing of BMO, PennyDrops is paving the way to financial freedom for students coast-to-coast.

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People's Republic of Delicious

The People's Republic of Delicious (PRD) hopes to create a community around food and fighting social injustices through creating a network of passionate individuals. What we do: - Pick up donated food that is cosmetically-damaged, going bad or otherwise would be wasted - Bring food back to school and spend the morning cooking a vegan meal (think Iron Chef style) and working with others - Serve the meal to students and community members for free - Assist with clean up/take down if you can Opportunities for: - Participating in promotion, social media, outreach if interested - Helping with catering events on campus that seek a non-capitalist caterer - Contributing to a zine on food/food politics including art, poetry, recipes, rants, etc. Check out our social media to find out which day of the week we are cooking! Déjà Vu is on the 2nd floor of Morisset (MRT). Go up the stairs at the front entrance to MRT, turn right and you'll see the sign. Cooking starts around 10 am, and we serve around 12 pm.

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Physics Society

The SPSUO is here for people in physics programs and those interested in physics. We are here to promote physics, from information about the program at the university to research and career opportunities. We want to encourage interest in physics and help network with the community around us. We organize activities such as Pizza and Prof and Trivia Night in order to relax and give everyone a chance to meet and talk about physics.

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Pipetting Hot Tea

Welcome to the Pipetting Hot Tea Podcast, a dynamic student-run podcast club where science enthusiasts dive into the cutting-edge world of research and innovation! Our podcast will explore the latest breakthroughs and trending topics in biology, biochemistry, chemical engineering, bioengineering, and biotechnology.

Each episode, we'll bring you fresh insights into groundbreaking studies, emerging technologies, and real-world applications that are shaping the future. Whether you’re passionate about CRISPR, renewable energy, or synthetic biology, Pipetting Hot Tea provides a platform for curious minds to stay ahead of the curve.

Excited to explore the most cutting-edge advancements in science and engineering? This is the place for you!

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Power to Change

Power to Change is a Christian student ministry across Canada that is passionate about students! At the University of Ottawa, we are a student- led club that seeks to engage with students from any faith or non-religious background in various ways. We exist to share our perspective and learn from others’ perspectives through our weekly meetings, our events and other social gatherings. We are a group of students that desire to grow in understanding our faith and learn how to share about what we believe with others. We also want to grow in leadership and personal development as we run this club and as we invite others to join us. We believe in the power of mentorship and the importance of community as we are in university. We hope that our impact will not be only during university but that we will carry what we learn after we graduate.

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Prep For Tech

Prep for Tech serves as an invaluable support hub for University of Ottawa students venturing into the world of software engineering. Our central mission is to equip members for technical interviews, imparting essential skills and insights. Engaging in technical resource sessions, industry professional events, and LeetCode competitions, we strive to provide a hands-on understanding of the interview process. Our club thrives on collaboration, offering platforms like mock interviews, study groups, and a dedicated Discord group for knowledge sharing. Joining Prep for Tech means becoming part of a community where members evolve into proficient problem-solvers and effective communicators. Our focus is on cultivating skills, fostering collaboration, and guiding students through the intricate landscape of technical interviews. Prep for Tech offers a supportive environment for University of Ottawa students looking to excel in the software engineering field.

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Professional Development Club

The professional development club is founded by graduate students and the Vice-Dean, Liam Peyton from the faculty of engineering, the primary focus is professional development for graduate students in professional programs. We will help students develop their professional skills via all kinds of workshops and seminars, provide a platform to discuss issues related to students’ life and to their specific field of interest, connect them with industry and professors, and provide opportunities to conduct industry projects.

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Psychiatry and Mental Health Interest Group

The Psychiatry and Mental Health Interest Group (PMHIG) aims to increase student awareness regarding mental illness among various patient populations and works to educate and eliminate negative perceptions of psychiatric illness through both seminars and community outreach initiatives. Further, with the support of various mental health practitioners and community resources, members of this group will have the opportunity to learn about the specialty of psychiatry and its associated subspecialties.

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Refugee Support Association

L'association de soutien aux réfugiés (ASR) vise à assurer une transition plus harmonieuse pour les réfugiés à Ottawa en fournissant des fonds aux organismes d'établissement des réfugiés à Ottawa. L'objectif du club est de sensibiliser les gens aux défis auxquels les réfugiés sont confrontés à leur arrivée et pendant leur voyage. Lors de leur intégration dans leur nouvel environnement, ils manquent souvent de ressources et d'informations nécessaires pour surmonter ces difficultés. La mission du ASR est d'éliminer le manque de financement de ces organisations afin de maximiser les services que la communauté des réfugiés peut recevoir

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Regroupement étudiant de common law en français

The RÉCLEF represents the interests of francophone and francophile students in common law programs at the University of Ottawa's faculty of law, notably by promoting the practice of common law in french and the defence of language rights.

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Research Peers

The University of Ottawa Research Peers helps undergraduate students navigate the world of research. We raise awareness about ongoing research opportunities at the university and help guide students through the process of reaching out to professors and submitting applications. Entering the field of research can be daunting, so we aim to help make research more approachable and accessible.

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Revival of the Nations

We are a group of christian youths on fire for Jesus who want to see Him revealed in our lives and generation through prayers, worship, and evangelism.

If you too want to get to know Him more, join us!

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S.W.A.M. Ottawa

S.W.A.M. Ottawa is a not-for-profit student initiative founded as a registered chapter of S.W.A.M. Canada in 2009. Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible one-on-one swimming instruction to children with disabilities. For more information about our parent organization, as well as about the history of the S.W.A.M. movement, please visit

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Santez Nos Rires

An inter university club that allows for students in kinesiology, phys. ed., and human kinetics to interact and learn from each other. It is a weekend trip, that involves a full day of sports in the style of a tournament, as well as recreational activities to allow for the students to connect.

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Saving Smiles uOttawa

Saving Smiles is a philanthropic club. We aim to fundraise for community and global initiatives that provide free dental care to those in need. Saving Smiles will also aim to raise awareness towards the importance of dental health care through educational social media posts and the use of guest speakers.

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Sci-X is an academic club in the Faculty of Science at the University of Ottawa. Being academically oriented, we look to organize events that will bring science students together to inform them about future career prospects, and how a degree in science from the University of Ottawa can help them enter into the field of work which they desire. We also aim to offer students the chance to participate in science oriented contests with the chance of a monetary prize. These opportunities are offered in an effort to enhance the experience that science students have at our university.

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Seasons of Joy

This club is for those who enjoy celebrating different holidays, and for students to make friends along the way. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, this club is the right place for you.

We aim to celebrate and appreciate the rich cultural diversity of our school through engaging, holiday-themed activities. Our activities include things such as costume contests, movie nights, egg hunts, candy grams, etc. We organize events that bring people together during major holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, Eid, and more. Some of our exciting activities include costume contests, movie nights, easter egg hunts, candy grams, and much more!

We also plan other fun, interactive events that reflect the diversity of traditions within our student body. Our goal is to make every student feel included and part of a vibrant, welcoming community, while also ensuring that they have fun during their time at the university.

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SEWA Canada – University of Ottawa Chapter,

Translated directly from Sanskrit, “sewa” means providing selfless service; especially to those who are sick, poor, vulnerable, and oppressed. SEWA Canada International Aid Inc. is a registered non-profit organization that serves the underprivileged and vulnerable members of society through various humanitarian projects. The purpose of the SEWA Canada – University of Ottawa Chapter is to contribute to this service to humanity by fundraising directly to the organization’s global projects. Specifically, we will fundraise to target disaster relief, humanitarian aid, education, health, and social development. Issues faced by local members of society will be addressed by providing volunteer service and fundraising for local charities.

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Sexual Health Outreach Interest Group

The Sexual Health Outreach (SHOUT) Program is a community outreach group that provides medical students with the opportunity to run sexual health education workshops for a wide array of communities, including but not limited to LGBTQIA2+, visible minorities, and individuals with disabilities. We offer an open and safe space to discuss sexual health topics throughout the year, with hopes of increasing your comfort when discussing sexual health with colleagues, patients and friends.

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Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity - Delta Pi Chapter

Sigma Alpha Mu’s Mission is to foster the development of collegiate men and our alumni by instilling strong fraternal values, offering social and service opportunities, encouraging academic excellence and teaching leadership skills.

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Sikh Student Association of the University of Ottawa

SSA is a non-profit organization, which primarily focuses on fostering awareness and celebrating the Ottawa Sikh community. SSA achieves this mandate through hosting events, celebrating various festivities, and creating a student network.

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Simply Speak

This organization shall be known as Simply Speak. It was chosen to represent what we wish to accomplish and it is to allow newcomers to Canada (or existing residents) who wish to improve their English-speaking skills to simply speak, without fear of being judged and with full focus on their individual skills as we aim to have small conversation classes.

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Social Accountability Student Advocacy Committee (SASAC)

The Social Accountability Student Advocacy Committee (SASAC) is a community service interest group focused on addressing socioeconomic barriers to health and increasing representation in healthcare professions for underserved and marginalized populations in Ottawa. This is an incredibly rewarding opportunity to make a difference in your community and act on issues that you are passionate about.

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Social Justice Society

SJS’s mission is to create a community and to raise awareness of various social justice issues. SJS plans on accomplishing its mission through advocacy and education. SJS will implicate the student population through events such as lunch and learns, creating newsletters, as well as hosting open discussion tables for social justice issues. SJS hopes to foster a safe community where students can share their thoughts and ideas for social justice advancement.

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South Asian Law Students’ Association

SALSA exists to provide South Asian students a community within the faculty to connect with and celebrate their South Asian heritage. SALSA aims to promote diversity and equality and an open, respectful environment for all students who wish to learn more about South Asian heritage and culture.

The mission of SALSA is to plan and organize academic and social events throughout the year tailored to current issues affecting human rights, diversity, and South Asians.

The vision of SALSA is to promote diversity, equality, tolerance, and access to justice.

The objectives of SALSA are: 1) Promoting diversity, 2) Bringing awareness to issues pertaining to South Asians, 3) Establishing a network between current students, alumni, and the broader South Asian legal community in Canada, 4) Providing South Asian students with a community to explore and celebrate their culture and heritage within the Faculty of Law.

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Space Law Society

Space Law Society (SLS) is an exciting place for curious students who want to reach for the stars! We aim to contribute to the field of space law domestically and internationally; create and promote practical opportunities for students with an interest in space law; serve and engage with community, industry, and government.

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Sport Performance Analytics Research Club

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Sports and Entertainment Law Association

The Sports and Entertainment Law Association aims, at the sports level, to demonstrate the many legal aspects in the various sports such as contracts, trademarks, athletic administration, sports labor law and the personal property of athletes. and artists. With regard to entertainment, the Association aims to demonstrate the legal establishment behind the organization and stake of sporting, musical and other events and festivals. Moreover, we believe that it is important to make future professionals discover that the practice of law is not exclusive to the firm, it can also be done within litigation such as sports or entertainment companies and that this form of practice can be as interesting as practice in private practice.

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Sports and Entertainment Law Society

The Sports and Entertainment Law Society (‘SELS’) at the University of Ottawa is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to explore the fields of Sports Law and Entertainment Law. Our goal is to act as the bridge between the Faculty’s student community and the legal community. Through speaker series, club events and club activities, our vision is to provide students with a practical, realistic perspective of what it means to be a lawyer practicing in these fields.

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Starts With Youth / Chapters

Starts With Youth’s mission is to foster conversations about childhood trauma's effects and encourage more significant healing. Within our uOttawa community, we strive to support community members in understanding and addressing trauma in their and their loved ones’ lives to nurture more well-adjusted, trauma-informed adults. Our vision is to create a community where those affected by trauma are aware of their needs, can work towards profound healing, and have easy access to appropriate support—a more trauma-informed world. We bring this vision to life through various events throughout the semesters, including educational workshops and rejuvenating activities. The club has five core values: Awareness, Education, Community, Empathy, and Diversity. Finally, our 7 main goals at the club are 1. Encouraging everyone toward a safe, comfortable healing path 2. Hosting and fostering honest discussions about childhood trauma; 3. Creating a more trauma-informed world; 4. Discussing the neurobiological aftermath of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); 5. Understand the somatics and social conditions behind trauma and oppression; 6. Understand how emotional loneliness as a child may impact a person's future intimate relationships; 7. Improve resource access for BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and marginalized communities.

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Stem Cell Collective (uOttawa)

The purpose of the organization is to create awareness of the importance of stem cells in research and clinical applications while improving the quality and quantity of potential donors to the Canadian Blood Services’ OneMatch program. Improving the OneMatch national registry of potential stem cell donors improves the chances that a patient in dire need of a stem cell transplant may be able to find a suitable donor due to the uniqueness of an individual’s cells. This will allow the opportunity for donors to save lives by means of stem cell donations.

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Student Association of Civil Law Faculty

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Student Society in Internaitonal Law

SEDI is a recognized student group within the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa, specifically the Civil Law Section. SEDI is based on a practical representation of the field of international law, whose mission is to enrich the understanding of this field among future lawyers and is a non-profit student organization. SEDI is not associated or affiliated with any other outside association or organization, but has the freedom to work with and join other groups, associations or organizations. SEDI's objectives are to encourage the advancement of the fundamental goals of humanity, namely peace, prosperity, human rights, international humanitarian law, international development and environmental protection. In addition, to participate in initiatives of the international community that complement the mission of the association and to carry out or assist in promoting and conducting legal research.

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Student Voyagers

We are UOttawa's official travel club! We host local events in and around Ottawa and run 1-2 local or international trips every year. We are perfect for students who want to explore more of Ottawa, Canada, and the world! Follow us on Instagram for the most recent updates!

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Student Wellness Commitee

The Student Wellness Committee exists as a branch of the Aesculapian Society, the representative body of students at the Faculty of Medicine, to plan and promote events to improve medical student wellness, focusing on different actors on wellness such as physical, mental, and occupational health.

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Students for Global Prosperity

Students for Global Prosperity is associated with the Baha'i Faith, a religion founded by Baha'u'llah whose central purpose is to establish the unity of mankind. The goals of the club are to draw insights from the teachings of the Baha’i Faith relevant to the lives of students and young people of all religious and non-religious backgrounds to become more conscious of social, economic, or cultural conditions that are impeding people’s spiritual and material progress. Accordingly, through action, reflection and consolidation we are learning about social transformation, social action and contributing to the discourses of society that influence the direction of that progress, drawing on the principles and insights guiding the activities occurring at the grassroots of the worldwide Bahá’í community. Ultimately, by putting our learnings into action, we seek to foster a strong sense of community on campus that is based on unity, trustworthiness, mutual support, collaboration, fellow feeling, selflessness, commitment to truth, a sense of responsibility, a thirst to learn, and the love of an all-embracing heart. Recurring activities include weekly devotional spaces, Ruhi study circles and service projects. Devotionals consist of sharing music, poems, reading prayers and passages from religious and non-religious texts in an informal and reverent atmosphere followed by thoughtful discussion. Ruhi Study Circles are spaces to explore the Baha'i perspective on various subjects relevant to community-building and social transformation. They involve research, lively consultation, and cultivating an open mind in order to redefine our understanding of our material and spiritual realities. Club members are also encouraged and supported to take initiative organizing service projects to practically learn how to be of selfless service to society.

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Students For Mental Health Awareness

The purpose of this club is primarily to cultivate a community and/or safe space on campus for students that need to talk about, confront, and work through their struggles with mental health. We want to show students that they have resources as well as peers that are here to provide them with support. We also want students that are not struggling to be able to understand what their peers and friends are going through, and learn how to be pillars of strength. We aim to hold events, and run activities that make the student body feel like a family where everyone is accepted, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

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Students of Ottawa Supporting the Royal

Students of Ottawa supporting the Royal is a non-profit organization founded by students of uOttawa that seeks to raise awareness of mental health issues as well as to fundraise in support of The Royal. Through a variety of fundraising and outreach events, we hope to educate the student community while helping this cause.

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Students Working Against Tobacco

The purpose of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) at the University of Ottawa is to empowering youth through education and advocacy, with the goal of preventing tobacco use before it begins. As medical students, we believe in proactive health interventions and recognize the critical role early education plays in shaping healthier futures. Through interactive discussions and presentations, we equip elementary school students with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about tobacco use, while fostering an environment of prevention, awareness, and long-term well-being.

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SwingUO is the University of Ottawa swing dance club! We work to create a welcoming and sustainable swing dance community at the University of Ottawa by providing lessons, dancing, and social events.

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Syrian Cultural Association of Ottawa

The “Syrian Cultural Association of Ottawa” (SCA) is a non-profitable, non-religious, and non-political club that seeks to portray Syrian culture and history accurately and in a non-biased form. The goal of the club is to impartially and objectively present the long and deep-rooted history of Syrian culture, tradition, cuisine, and dialect. The club serves to support and unite members of the Syrian and Arab communities of Ottawa by hosting a variety of social events showcasing Syrian tradition and values. The establishment of this distinctive cultural club seeks to foster an environment of diversity, community, and harmony among people of various backgrounds and beliefs. Our mission is to dispel prevalent misconceptions about Syrian culture while promoting awareness, appreciation, and understanding of Syria, its people, and their values. Our team is made up of tenacious leaders that are eager to creatively showcase their Syrian heritage. As a team, we are determined to correct the image of Syria and its history in the eyes of the Ottawa community and surrounding areas.

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Tamil Law Students' Association

TLSA exists to provide Tamil students a community within the faculty to connect with and celebrate their Tamil heritage. TLSA aims to promote diversity and equality and an open, respectful environment for all students who wish to learn more about Tamil heritage and culture.  

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Tamil Students' Union

The primary goals of our organization are to promote the Tamil culture to the University of Ottawa; act as an outlet to bring cultural awareness to the members and unite all Tamil students within our institution; and help other members with the academic and social well-being as university students. We also stand to take on important events related to the Tamil history and culture and to ensure that all Tamils have an outlet to display their interests and beliefs.

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Tax law student association

Promote tax law within the faculty Inform/help students with their tax law courses Demystify tax law within the faculty Provide students with the opportunity to meet and talk with tax professionals from different firms

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Teacher Education Students' Association

The Teacher Education Students' Association represents all first- and second-year students in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. The AEEFE is a non-profit organization, enabling people who wish to come together and share a common interest through the association.

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Telfer Accounting Club

Serving members for over 30 years, the Telfer Accounting Club is one of the largest student-run clubs at Telfer. Our mission is to promote the social, academic, and professional development of students interested in the accounting profession. We help students achieve their goals through exclusive networking events, speaker panels, workshops, member socials, and more!

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Telfer Business Technology Association

The Telfer Business Technology Association is a student-led organization that aims to bridge the gap between
business and technology. Our mission is to provide post-secondary students with the opportunities to succeed
in both the business and technology sectors by creating opportunities to learn new skills and further their

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Telfer Finance Society

Since our establishment in 2004, the Telfer Finance Society has been dedicated to empowering students and fostering excellence in finance education. The 2024-2025 academic year marks our 20th year of serving the University of Ottawa community.

We are a student-run non-profit organization at the Telfer School of Management, dedicated to providing University of Ottawa students with unparalleled opportunities in the finance industry. Through our Montreal Trip, Bridge to Success Conference, and Annual Toronto Trip, students have the opportunity to participate in networking sessions, mock interviews, office tours, and experiential workshops. Through these events and initiatives, we bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world finance, connecting University of Ottawa students with industry professionals.

With a member base of over 500 students and counting, we connect top business talents with industry professionals through our three staple events along with the mentorship program and workshops.

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Telfer Human Resources and Management association

The Telfer Human Resources & Management Association provides students at the University of Ottawa with academic, career-oriented and social opportunities that will better their university experience, expand their professional network, and aid in securing desirable post-education employment. Our goal is to foster relationships for all University of Ottawa students through a shared desire to learn, networking, social events, academic competitions, and professional business opportunities. This includes bringing awareness to the human resources and management specializations at the University of Ottawa and within the business community.

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Telfer International

The club strives to add value to all international students, programs, and endeavors by adding value to the student’s academic experience. The club operates to enrich the school’s international reputation, student life, interest in exchange programs, and the International Management program. Additionally, the club is committed to empower exchange students by providing resources for them to integrate smoothly and efficiently into the host city (Ottawa), where they can feel accommodated, confident, and comfortable.

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TFS Investment Group

TFSIG is a student investment club founded in 2020 during the pandemic crisis to bridge the gap between studies and practical experience in finance. We aim to prepare students at the Telfer School of Management and the University of Ottawa for opportunities in capital markets.

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The Bibliophiles

The reading club "Les Bibliophiles" is much more than just a group of book enthusiasts; it is a dynamic and inclusive community where members can share their love for literature while participating in a variety of enriching and entertaining activities. Founded by a group of students passionate about literature, this club's mission is to promote reading, foster intellectual exchanges, and create strong social bonds among its members. Here is a detailed description of what "Les Bibliophiles" does, including the various meetings and activities organized throughout the year. To begin with, the discussion meetings are at the heart of the activities of the reading club "Les Bibliophiles". They are organized once a month and provide a platform where members can discuss the books they have read during the month. These meetings primarily aim to stimulate intellectual and critical discussions on a variety of literary genres, allow members to share their impressions and analyses of the books, encourage the discovery of new authors and literary works, and develop members' communication and literary critique skills. Regarding the functioning, each discussion meeting is carefully planned by the club's executive members. Generally, at the beginning of each month, a list of books is proposed to the members. This list is often diverse, including literary classics, contemporary works, novels of various genres (science fiction, fantasy, detective, etc.), as well as works by local and international authors. Members vote for the books they wish to read and discuss. Then, members have a month to read the selected book(s). The discussion meetings usually take place in a meeting room on campus or in a local library. They begin with a brief presentation of the book by one or more members who volunteered. Then, the discussion opens to all participants. Discussions are guided by prepared questions but remain flexible to allow for free and spontaneous exchanges. At the end of each meeting, members are encouraged to provide feedback on the discussion and propose books for upcoming sessions. This ensures that the meetings meet the members' expectations and interests. These discussion meetings offer numerous benefits, including enriching members' literary culture, developing a critical and analytical mindset, fostering oral expression, and building self-confidence. In addition to literary discussions, "Les Bibliophiles" also organizes social gatherings once a month. These meetings aim to strengthen the bonds among club members, offer moments of relaxation and entertainment, and provide a variety of enriching activities that complement the literary discussions. Social gatherings are varied and include a multitude of activities such as theater outings where members attend plays together, whether local productions or larger performances. Movie nights are also organized, and after the screening, a discussion is often held to compare the film to the book. Board game nights allow members to relax and have fun with various board games. It's an excellent opportunity to strengthen bonds and foster a convivial atmosphere. The social gatherings are planned in a way that alternates the types of activities to cater to everyone's tastes. Here is how they are generally organized. The reading club "Les Bibliophiles" stands out for its commitment to promoting reading and creating a close-knit community of literature enthusiasts. Through its discussion meetings, varied social activities, and well-organized executive meetings, the club offers its members a rich and diverse experience. Whether discussing literary works, participating in movie nights, playing board games, or attending creative workshops, members of "Les Bibliophiles" always find a way to nurture their love for books while forming lasting friendships.

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The Canadian Courage Project uOttawa

The Canadian Courage Project is a non-profit organization based in the GTA that supports youth facing homelessness and their animal companions. Its goal is to empower young individuals to strive to make a social impact while promoting mental well-being and health of youth through mindfulness, education and resources. The Canadian Courage Project uOttawa chapter aims to provide students with the opportunity to help the local community while driving them to make societal change and promote mental health. CCP uOttawa chapter will host fundraising events where all proceeds will go to youth facing homelessness and their animal companions. We will also host educational workshops in local schools to educate youth about the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and raise awareness about current issues to drive societal change! The purpose of CCP uOttawa chapter aims to engage students in discussions and activities to make a difference in the local community and provide an opportunity for students to develop professional skills in a non-profit setting.

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The Carbon Leadership Forum

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The Dendrite: Academic Journal Club of uOttawa

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The Gee Gee Poker Collective

A student-led club aiming to organize recreational poker tournaments.

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The GymBro

The GymBro is a bodybuilding club at the University of Ottawa that aims to promote and assist students in achieving their ideal physical fitness goals. Our primary vision is to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle by providing them with support and resources in the field of bodybuilding. The GymBro offers various resources in the field of bodybuilding, such as training sessions, workshops, and bodybuilding competitions held within the University of Ottawa community. These activities are organized by students for students. Additionally, the GymBro facilitates connections between students and their peers, experts, and coaches in the field of bodybuilding, offering assistance to enhance their physical lifestyle.

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The Photography Club

The Photography Club is a club that aims to gather members whose hobby is to capture this world’s beauty, may it be using their cell phone or a camera. The club will be a social group in which members will be able to share their pictures and their best photography tips!

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The Undergraduate Mock Trial and Moot Court Society of the University of Ottawa

The Undergraduate Mock Trial and Moot Court Society at uOttawa (UMMSUO) is the best place for future lawyers, policy wonks, and Phoenix Wright fans alike to dip their toes in the world of legal simulation. We compete in mock trials (modeling trial courts) and moot courts (modeling appeals courts) across the country, and we offer weekly training sessions and social events to hone your advocacy skills and hopefully make some new friends along the way. Whether you want to dive deep into legal analysis or just have fun pretending to be a lawyer, UMMSUO has something for everyone!

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The University of Ottawa English Improv Club

We are the University of Ottawa English Improv Club! A club where improvisers new and experienced can come together in an open and fun environment! We hold weekly improv jams where students come to play fun improv games and do some scene work. Anyone is welcome to attend, watch, and participate! No previous improv experience is needed; we’re all about having a good time. We also have a performance ensemble chosen from among club members who perform at local shows and events, as well as at summits against other universities.

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The University of Ottawa Glee Gees

We are a group of UOttawa students who enjoy music, singing and exploring our musical limits through acapella. Our group is composed of the Glee Club (monthly practice) and the Glee Gees (advanced, weekly practice, audition required). We put on events and concerts during the year with most/all proceeds going to various Ottawa charities. With both groups, we aim to provide a space to all humans who are up for making new friends who love music, as well as accommodate everyone's availabilities and musical goals!

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The University of Ottawa international students association

Are you an international student, newcomer or already settled, an exchange student or anyone who wants to learn more about other cultures?

The University of Ottawa International Student Association (UO-ISA) is here for you!

The UO-ISA is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious association run by students for students with the aim to promote the well-being of international students and increase intercultural exchanges on campus. The University of Ottawa is a pearl of cultural and linguistic diversity and we want you to benefit from it!

As an association, the objectives of the UO-ISA are to: - Encourage international students to become more involved by sharing relevant information about social and academic activities taking place on campus -Increase the sense of belonging through enriching encounters and socio-cultural events -Create a sharing platform between Canadian and international students to increase intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding Join us to bring out the beauty of diversity on our campus.

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The uOttawa Cinema Club

The uOttawa Cinema Club was formed as a space for students to come together and share their like-minded interest in cinema outside of class. It is a great opportunity for students with a passion for cinema to meet, discuss, review and will be an outlet to share their own creative work. uOttawa Cinema Club values expression, and is accepting of all opinions and perspectives on the topic of film. Members will be able to explore the past, present, future and all genres of film. The club will offer a healthy, conflict-free environment for all cinephiles at uOttawa, and will seek out the community outside of the University of Ottawa for members to connect with.

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The uOttawa Real Estate Club

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Translational and Molecular Medicine Students' Association

The TMMSA is a democratic, elected student-run organization representing students registered in the undergraduate Translational and Molecular Medicine program (TMM). We organize academic, social, and career-building events for our students all throughout the year.

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Trek for Teens Ottawa

Trek for Teens is a charity run by youth across the country, created to raise funds and awareness for homeless youth in Canada. Our vision is for at-risk and homeless youth across Canada to be healthy, happy, safe, and successful.

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U of O Ski and Snow

We are a recreational club that offers weekly trips to Mt. Tremblant during the winter every Sunday. We offer one overnight trip for students during the Winter semester. On these bus rides we offer free energy beverages from our energy drink sponsor Guru; based out of Montreal. We use weekly outfit themes to incentivize creativity with prizes such as free goggles, ski bags, hats, helmets, etc. We use a paid membership program that costs $20 CAD which offers perks such as early sign up and a 25% discounted bus cost. Our sign ups for the Sunday bus are every Monday of the following bus on Sunday, and the sign ups for our overnight trip occur in the Fall semester. Our executive structure is based on a President, 2 Vice-president and treasurers (operating the club bank account), and 2 executives.

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UBridge is a non-profit organization at the University of Ottawa who's mission is to guide high school and first-year students through the transition to post-secondary education. We achieve delivering interactive presentations across schools in the Ottawa area, where we share program details, offer personal tips for success, and host engaging Q&A sessions.

To make learning more dynamic, we incorporate lab demonstrations, offering a firsthand look at university-level labs and what to expect from lab reports. We also invite inspiring speakers from research, medicine, and graduate studies to share their journeys and advice.

Each year culminates in exciting field trips to the University of Ottawa, where, students get to explore the campus and, in partnership with professors and lab coordinators, take part in lab demonstrations in real laboratory environments. Join us as we empower the next generation of students to succeed in their academic journey!

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uEducate uOttawa

We are a student-led organization with the mission of sharing a passion for learning by organizing an annual General Science Competition. Supported by the Faculty of Science, we offer scholarships to successful incoming students to facilitate their growth. Furthermore, we hold presentations in high schools to encourage young scientists to think critically and pursue their interests!

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Undergaduate Geology Association

We are a group of passionate students surrounding anything related to earth and environmental sciences. We wish to encourage and include anyone with similar interests of any background or age. Events include museum trips, rock climbing days, or even more calming activities.

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Undergraduate Research Initiative

The Undergraduate Research Initiative aims to introduce undergraduate students to the field of scientific research, while prioritizing education through our research competitions, fostering collaboration across universities, and engaging with local high schools through community outreach. Our organization facilitates the Scinapse USCC and OSIC competitions.

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UNICEF uOttawa

L'UNICEF est le leader mondial des organismes humanitaires et de développement axé sur l’enfant. Grâce à nos programmes innovateurs et notre travail de défense des droits, nous faisons valoir les droits des enfants dans pratiquement tous les pays. Notre portée mondiale, notre influence inégalée auprès des décideurs politiques, de même que nos partenariats variés font de nous un organisme clé dans le processus de façonnement d’un monde adapté aux droits des enfants. L'UNICEF sur l’université est un programme unique de leadership étudiant qui offre aux étudiants des collèges et des universités l'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur les enjeux cruciaux du développement mondial qui touchent les enfants les plus vulnérables de la planète. Nous sommes solidaires de l'Initiative Campus : des étudiants universitaires/collégiaux soutiennent la capacité de l'UNICEF à fournir des programmes de sauvetage dans 156 pays et territoires à travers le monde en collectant des fonds.

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Unity for Action

A not-for-profit, student-run organization that works to connect, motivate and inspire individuals to use their passions to create positive change in society!

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Univeristy of Ottawa Nigerian Students' Association

The UONSA, University of Ottawa Nigerian Students' Association, is a club which strives to unite both international and diasporan Nigerian students at the University of Ottawa and create a sense of community among them while simultaneously spreading the country’s news and culture around the university.

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University of Ottawa

UOttawa Bhangra is a dance club for students who are interested in advancing their Bhangra skills and for those who want to learn a new dance and just have some fun. Bhangra is a traditional dance originating from Punjab, a region of India (and formerly Pakistan). It started out as a celebratory folk dance but has now reached stages all over the world, ranging from school talent shows to international competitions. We will be hosting regular dance lessons for those who wish to learn bhangra for fun. It will be a great way to get some exercise and meet new people! We will also be organizing a uOttawa Bhangra team that will perform at events on campus and around Ottawa. This team will consist of students who are more serious about Bhangra and who are willing to meet the extra time commitment. Everyone and all skill levels are welcome! For more information, please dm us on instagram @uottawabhangra or email us at

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University of Ottawa Aeronautics

uOAeronautics is a JMTS Competitive Team that seeks to encourage students to pursue interests in aerodynamics and aerospace.

We will be attending the SAE Aero Design Micro Class Competition on a yearly basis, until further notice. This competition provides a reasonable challenge to students as far as aerodynamic design goes, and will teach all those involved about the main principles of flight: lift and drag.

The goal of the competition is to produce as much lift as possible while minimizing the wingspan and weight of the aircraft.

Our main goal is to be the most accessibe team from a time availability and experience stand point, ensuring all students with an interest in planes and aircraft can be involved in the team regardless of previous experience and availability. We especially seek to demystify JMTS Competitive Teams to first year engineering students, ensuring they are comfortable in the space and maybe branch out to other teams depending on their interests.

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University of Ottawa Animal Rights Association

Welcome to the Animal Rights Association at the University of Ottawa! We’re a vibrant community of students, united by a love for animals and promoting their rights. Since our establishment in 2017, we’ve been dedicated to raising awareness about the treatment of animals in industries such as entertainment, fashion, and agriculture.

Our club is an inclusive, open, and friendly space that welcomes students of all dietary lifestyles - vegans, vegetarians, and everything else in between! We’re committed to providing an environment where everyone can learn about and contribute to the animal rights movement.

We host a variety of engaging events, including charity vegan bake sales, documentary screenings, guest speakers, and free food tastings! These events are designed to answer common questions about animal rights and veganism, and to foster a sense of community among our members.

So, whether you’re an animal rights veteran or just starting to explore the topic, we invite you to join us. Together, we can make a difference for animals everywhere. Welcome aboard!

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University of Ottawa Astronomy and Space Club

Our objective is to provide a welcoming and fun space for astronomy enthusiasts and those interested in learning more about our universe in general. We would like to enrich our university studies by learning more about our place in the universe and astronomical objects and phenomena outside of our home. We wish to offer the opportunity to observe astronomical phenomena first-hand and discuss astronomy and space-related topics with other passionate students and astronomy experts. Learning about astronomy offers great value: it inspires us and humbles us, it allows us to think from the huge scales of our universe, putting Earth into perspective and promoting pride in our planet and global citizenship

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University of Ottawa Avid Readers Club

The mission of the Avid Readers' Club is to make literature available to francophone minority populations at the University of Ottawa Our vision is to create a safe space for (Francophone) minorities to share their passion for literature. The objective of our book club is to highlight Afro-Caribbean literature within the University of Ottawa while promoting and showcasing the spoken word talents of our community through slams and poetry at each meeting.

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University of Ottawa Bangladeshi Students Association

We, the members of University of Ottawa Bangladeshi Students Association, represent a unique platform to connect Bangladeshi descendant students and alumni to preserve, practice and promote Bangladeshi culture and tradition. This extends to building-up individual capacity in becoming active agents to serve the greater interests of Bangladesh and the University of Ottawa as a whole.

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University of Ottawa Blood Team (uOBlood Team)

The University of Ottawa Blood Team’s goal is to inform students about the programs run by Canadian Blood Services. We aim to make people aware of the importance of each of their programs (Organ and Tissue Donation, National Public Cord Blood Bank, OneMatch stem cell registry, Blood Donation, Platelet Donation, etc.). We will also host events that allow passers-by to ask questions about any of the available programs and sign up to be blood donors and stem cell network, registrants.

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University of Ottawa Boxing Club (UOBC)

The University of Ottawa Boxing Club aims to share the discipline of boxing with students of ever skill level. Our operations include conditional and technical training as well as sparring. The goal of this club is foster teamwork, respect, confidence and to give all of a member's an amazing workout.

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University of Ottawa Burkinabè Student Association

The University of Ottawa Burkinabè Students Association is a non-profit organization that represents Burkinabè students within the university. Our mission is to promote community life, sharing, and mutual support among Burkinabè students while promoting the richness of our culture. Through various events and activities, we looking forward for the integration of Burkinabè students and highlight our culture to the entire university community. We aim to create a positive and lasting impact on student life by encouraging unity, solidarity, and intercultural exchange.

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University of Ottawa Chemistry Club

The uOttawa Chemistry Club promotes awareness of and interest in chemistry through social & educational activities, offering valuable opportunities to connect with students and professors within the science field at the University of Ottawa and elsewhere. Our Mission: 1. To serve as a social framework bringing chemistry and science students together. Our club is open to students in all majors who are interested or enjoy learning more about different facets of chemistry. 2. To increase the profile of the discipline of Chemistry as an important part of our lives. Our goal is to increase awareness and involvement in chemistry and related disciplines on/off campus. 3. To serve as an academic aid to individuals studying chemistry, club members or otherwise.

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University of Ottawa Chess Club

The University of Ottawa Chess Club is a space where students of all strengths can get together and share their passion for chess. We hold bi-weekly meetings where players compete both casually and competitively. Once a year we compete in the annual Canadian University Chess Championship (CUCC) against other Canadian universities.

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University of Ottawa Chinese Students’Association

We are the University of Ottawa Chinese Students’ Association. A non-profit organization that specializes in serving and organizing Chinese students.

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University of Ottawa Computer Science Club

We are a group at the University of Ottawa which is dedicated to extracurricular programming and system administration projects. We exist to foster a hacker / coder community for anyone interested in ethical hacking. We attend competitive computer science and hacking competitions, and will be hosting our own during the school year.

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University of Ottawa Constitutional Law Association

UOCLA’s main mission is to promote the study and practice of constitutional law in French within the Civil Law Section of the University of Ottawa, notably through practical workshops in constitutional law, visits to institutions and firms offering constitutional law practice, and lectures on constitutional law topics.

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University of Ottawa Consulting Association (UOCA)

The University of Ottawa Consulting Association (UOCA) is dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of consulting and fostering the professional development of students. We provide an environment that facilitates the building of professional relationships and development through networking events, social gatherings, workshops, competitions, and conferences. As the go-to resource for students, UOCA bridges the gap between academic interests and practical consulting experience, offering diverse opportunities to educate, empower, and connect our members with a robust professional network.

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University of Ottawa Cooking Club

Ce club vise à offrir un espace aux étudiants de l'Université d'Ottawa pour partager de délicieuses recettes et offrir une plateforme pour aider les étudiants à planifier des repas abordables et sains.

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University of Ottawa Curling Club

The goal of the University of Ottawa Curling Club is to provide students of all curling skill levels with the opportunity to curl with and against their peers in a friendly, welcoming and inclusive environment. For beginners, the Club will endeavor to provide the opportunity to learn the basis of curling and to improve their skills. Those who wish to play at a more competitive level and/or offer more commitment to the Club may join the Club’s competitive team. The competitive team will participate in events outside the Club in order to further develop their curling skills.

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University of Ottawa Cycling Club

The University of Ottawa Cycling Club is a team of university students enjoying the excitement and camaraderie of cycling. We compete in the Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference, across Ontario, and locally in Road and Cyclocross; providing a great platform for university students looking to race, whether they are seasoned veterans or just starting out! Aside from racing, we also organize group rides, participate in fondos, and travel to great cycling destinations. The uOttawa Cycling Club brings together students who have a passion for cycling and want to experience excellent cycling in the region!

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University of Ottawa Dragon Boat Club

The uOttawa Dragon Boat Team is a fun team that does weekly workouts and competes in summer regattas. Anyone is welcome and no experience is required! Come have fun, stay fit and make new friends.

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University of Ottawa Field Hockey Club

The University of Ottawa Field Hockey Club strives to provide opportunities for members to experience personal development, create social connections, live an active lifestyle, and have fun through the sport of field hockey. We value sportsmanship, fitness and health, integrity, inclusion, and community. This club is open to all skill levels.? Founded in 2013, our club offers the opportunity for men and women to enjoy the sport of field hockey. Our players are students from the University of Ottawa or alumni. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, we welcome you on our team! In the fall, practices are held at Springhurst park in Sandy Hill. Frequent games and tournaments are organized against other universities and local teams. Once winter and the snow comes, the field hockey team holds indoor practices and games at Carleton University Fieldhouse or Norm Fenn Gym.

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University of Ottawa Figure Skating Club

Le Club de patinage artistique de l'Université d'Ottawa, a pour servir de groupe avec lequel les autres patineurs artistiques peuvent s'identifier et participer; organiser des temps de glace dédiés au patinage artistique; se rassembler pour des activités de groupe liées au patinage artistique; encourager la forme physique sur et hors de la glace; et promouvoir une de patinage artistique sur le campus.

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University of Ottawa FIRST Alumni Group

The uO FIRST Alumni Group (uO FIRST) is dedicated to giving a space to FIRST Alumni to allow them to gather and socialize with like-minded individuals. The group will also be focused on growing the FIRST Robotics community at uOttawa and in the Ottawa region as a whole. uO FIRST will also work to help promote STEM in the community. Send us an email to get access to our Discord server.

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University of Ottawa Forensic Society

The University of Ottawa Forensic Society is a club founded and run by uOttawa students. The club allows students to explore the various aspects of forensics, including scientific, business, and law/criminology. Students will be able to learn about careers and academics in forensics, gain experience using forensic lab skills and technologies, and meet other students with a shared interest in forensics.T he goal of UOFS is to allow uOttawa students to further explore interests in the field of forensics. The club aims to educate members about possible careers in forensics, learn about the scientific and social science aspects of forensics, and to meet new people and have fun! Membership is open to any University of Ottawa student, of any year and program. Potential events include, but are not limited to, forensic lab tours, case simulations, guest speakers, and blood splatter workshops.

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University of Ottawa Global Medical Brigade

University of Ottawa is a chapter of Global Medical Brigades, an international movement of students and medical professionals working alongside local communities and staff to implement sustainable health systems. We work in remote, rural, and under resourced communities in Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua and Ghana who would otherwise have limited to no access to health care. Each community receives a brigade every 3 to 4 months where hundreds of patients are provided access to healthcare and volunteers deliver public health workshops. Electronic patient records are collected for future visitations and to monitor overall community health trends. nnIn conjunction with our Medical Program, Global Brigades also supports communities with economic development, sanitation and clean water projects, and uniquely implements these programs in a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring. To learn more, please visit

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University of Ottawa Greek Council

The University of Ottawa Greek Council is dedicated to enhancing the well-being and unity of the Greek community on campus. Our mission is to create a supportive, inclusive, and vibrant environment where all members can thrive both personally and academically. 

Founded in 2008, we work to promote unity, education, and networking within the Greek Life community and its members. Together, we create lasting friendships, develop valuable skills, and contribute positively to the university and beyond.

Παvτα ρεî οuδεν µενει

"Everything flows, nothing stands still."

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University of Ottawa Healthcare Symposium

The University of Ottawa Healthcare Symposium (UOHS) is a one-day undergraduate health conference that aims to increase awareness of the interdisciplinary field of health. This conference engages students' interest in health through seminars, interactive discussions, and a research-based elevator pitch competition.

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University of Ottawa Heart Institute Student Foundation

The focus of the UOHISF will be to combat the many facets of cardiovascular disease by promoting a heart-healthy lifestyle among the University of Ottawa population. Our student perspective, along with the knowledge we gain from research conducted by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, allows us to further educate the student body about heart health. We design creative and innovative ways to fundraise for the Heart Institute while engaging university students through awareness campaigns. 

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University of Ottawa Hellenic Law Students Association (UOHLSA)

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University of Ottawa Hellenic Student Association

Our goal is to bring together students of Greek descent to promote Hellenism at the University of Ottawa.

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University of Ottawa Hong Kong Cultural Association

University of Ottawa Hong Kong Cultural Association is a non-profit organisation that serves as a platform to promote Hong Kong culture. UOHKCA gathers students from Hong Kong and anyone who

is interested in the culture. UOHKCA aims to host events that are related to the cultural aspects of Hong Kong on a regular basis. For example, Hong Kong cuisine making and tasting, movie night, games night, as well as seminars and conferences on themes concerning Hong Kong culture. Besides the cultural aspect, UOHKCA unites all Cantonese-speaking students in Ottawa and assists them to integrate into Ottawa. UOHKCA is governed by the UOSU Clubs Codes; therefore, any kind of avocation that against the matters raised section in 3.1.15. from the Club Codes will be prohibited. In addition, political

matters shall not be discussed in any event hosted by UOHKCA.

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University of Ottawa HOSA

Our mission is to provide resources to current students in order to help push them to become leaders in the healthcare industry. The University of Ottawa chapter prides itself with the affiliation under HOSA Canada and HOSA Inc., organizations which empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience. We invite students, professors, healthcare experts, and organizations to come together to support the excellence and innovation of the upcoming generations of healthcare workers. Joining the HOSA community at the University of Ottawa will allow students to:

  1. Delve into the world of healthcare and the importance of teamwork and leadership required for any career aspirations.

  2. Countless networking opportunities will create everlasting friendships and foster meaningful relationships between students, medical professionals, and community partners.

  3. Gain confidence and character while pushing towards innovation, learning about the pathways that lead you to success in your studies and future endeavours in healthcare.

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University of Ottawa Korean Student Association (UOKSA)

The University of Ottawa Korean Student Association (UOKSA) is a non-profit cultural club. Our goal is to promote Korean culture on campus. UOKSA provides a space for students with Korean heritage and others to celebrate and learn more about Korean culture.

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University of Ottawa Legal Hackers

uOttawa Legal Hackers (uOLH) is a vibrant, student-run organization dedicated to exploring the dynamic intersection of law, policy, and technology. As a non-partisan and non-commercial group, uOLH focuses on leveraging tech-driven solutions, whether through legal tech, civic tech, or broader technological innovations. These solutions aim to improve legal services and offer creative approaches to current public policy issues, such as data protection, intellectual property, and the evolving sharing economy. uOLH emphasizes ideation-based events where challenges are mostly centered around ideas and innovation.  

At uOLH, students have a unique opportunity to engage with industry professionals through roundtable discussions, interactive webinars, and skill-building workshops— all of which are events that typically aren’t accessible to undergraduate students. These experiences foster meaningful connections between students and experts who are at the forefront of legal and technological innovation. 

As the third student-led Legal Hackers chapter in Canada and the first in Ottawa, uOLH is part of a global movement. We are dedicated to welcoming students from diverse backgrounds and different disciplines who share a passion for creating innovative solutions to challenges at the crossroads of law and technology, uOLH is an inclusive space where everyone is encouraged to contribute.  

No prior knowledge of law or technology is necessary. uOLH is committed to building a supportive environment that nurtures curiosity and creation, making it the perfect place for students eager to explore the evolving fields of law and tech. 

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University of Ottawa Legal Innovation Hub

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University of Ottawa Mandarin Debate club

The Mandarin Debate Club of the University of Ottawa aims to improve its members' knowledge and thinking levels in multiple fields and hone their debating skills. The association builds an educational, motivating and inclusive development environment based on the Chinese language. Mandarin Debate Club is also committed to promoting Chinese culture and hosting debate events in Canada's capital region, and maintains cooperation with organizations and people who are willing to help Chinese debate, grow together, and jointly make Chinese debate continue to rejuvenate.

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University of Ottawa Mars Rover Team

The University of Ottawa Mars Rover Team is a competitive robotics club that aims to build a prototype each year that can withstand a simulated Martian environment.

At its heart, uORover also seeks to help its members learn to develop team spirit and camaraderie, as well as lead balanced, productive lives, all while performing well in competition.

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University of Ottawa Mental Health Awareness Society

The University of Ottawa Mental Health Awareness Society aims to raise mental health awareness on campus through various creative activities and informational events. Through the help of our team, we hope to offer students support, fundraise, and help create a stigma free campus.

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University of Ottawa Model United Nations Association

The University of Ottawa Model United Nations Association, also known as uOMUNA, specializes in opening the diplomatic world of United Nations to our members in the form of moderated simulations. We strive to bring the international stage within arm’s length for students, where they can use their tact and negotiation skills to tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues. By fostering an inclusive, educational and competitive environment through training sessions and in-houses, we endeavour to empower a new generation of diplomatic leaders. They will in-turn, represent the University of Ottawa at national and international conferences in order to debate, create and negotiate in an applied setting. Our goal is to offer external conferences as avenues to discover academic growth, peaceful diplomacy and increased knowledge of the global citizen.

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University of Ottawa Moroccan Association

The University of Ottawa Moroccan Association, also known as UOMA, specializes in promoting the culture, community, and heritage of the Kingdom of Morocco. We aim to create an inclusive, educational, and welcoming environment through various events for the development of students at uOttawa.

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University of Ottawa Multiple Sclerosis Club (UOMSC)

The University of Ottawa Multiple Sclerosis Club (UOMSC) is a student led not-for-profit philanthropic club that aims to raise awareness for multiple sclerosis and bring students together at the undergraduate level. The goal of the club is to advocate policies that support individuals with MS, make multiple sclerosis research more accessible, and raise funds for local researchers.

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University of Ottawa Muslim Students Association

Nous sommes un club étudiant confessionnel de l'Université d'Ottawa qui cherche à servir les étudiants musulmans sur le campus. À cette fin, nous favorisons l'unité entre les étudiants musulmans et les relations géniales avec la communauté générale de l'Université d'Ottawa. Nous organisons des activités et événements sociaux confessionnels, des prières de congrégation et nous nous efforçons d'éduquer les musulmans et les non-musulmans sur la foi islamique, conformément au Coran et aux enseignements du Prophète Muhammad (s).

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University of Ottawa New Democratic Party

We, The University of Ottawa New Democratic Party, join together to educate and organize students and young people into a community of progressives in order to promote the election of New Democratic governments across Canada, transforming our state, society, and economy along democratic socialist and social democratic lines. In this struggle, we hope to attain and assert Liberty, Social Justice, Equality, Fairness, and Democracy. By winning hearts, minds, and ballots, it is hoped that a kinder, gentler, more just, and rational society can be produced in Canada; one that cares for all people equally, allowing for the aspirations of all Canadians to co-exist and flourish. Courage friends, tis not too late to build a world that is loving, hopeful, and optimistic.

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University of Ottawa Pre-Law Society

The University of Ottawa Pre-Law Society is a student-run club dedicated to helping students learn more about the law school application process and law as a potential career field. We aim to connect students with different law schools and provide them with the information necessary to their academic and professional journey.

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University of Ottawa Quranic Tajweed Club

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University of Ottawa Real Estate Law Association

Promoting real estate law among students

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University of Ottawa Science Undergraduate Research Journal

The University of Ottawa Science Undergraduate Research Journal (OSURJ) is an online, open-access, multidisciplinary, non-proprietary, bilingual academic journal published and reviewed by University of Ottawa students.

In addition to a hardworking undergraduate executive and editorial team, OSURJ collaborates with post-doctoral, Ph.D., and faculty reviewers as part of a permanent review board. The journal publishes digitally once per academic year on a rolling-publishing basis. 

Formally endorsed and sponsored by the Faculty of Science, OSURJ publishes articles from all scientific disciplines, including mathematics and statistics, physics, biology, chemistry, immunology, earth sciences, environmental science, and integrative science. A multidisciplinary student-run initiative of this nature serves to enrich the undergraduate science student experience and provide students with invaluable publishing and peer-review process experience to supplement the traditional science curriculum. As one of the few bilingual undergraduate journals in Canada, OSURJ accepts submissions in both English and French. OSURJ features original research, review articles, and opinion pieces on recent research issues of interest, point-counterpoint, and interviews. The basic criteria for a manuscript to be published in OSURJ is that the results or analyses be novel and scientifically valid in concise and easily-understood prose.

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University of Ottawa Senegalese Student Association

The Senegalese Cultural and Social Club is a dynamic and inclusive community that aims to celebrate and promote the rich cultural heritage of Senegal. Our club primarily offers a welcoming space for Senegalese people, but also for anyone interested in discovering our culture. This will allow us to connect, learn from one another, and engage in various activities that highlight the beauty and diversity of this West African nation.

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University of Ottawa Somali Student Association

L'Association des Étudiants Somaliens de l'Université d'Ottawa (uOttawa SSA) est une communauté accueillante et animée qui vise à rassembler les étudiants somaliens, célébrer leur culture et encourager des liens significatifs. C'est comme une deuxième maison pour les étudiants, où ils peuvent trouver des points communs, exprimer leur fierté culturelle, se faire de nouveaux amis et participer à des expériences enrichissantes. uOttawa SSA vise à créer une atmosphère inclusive et favorable pour les étudiants somaliens et ceux qui s'intéressent à la culture somalienne. Nous avons remarqué qu'il y avait beaucoup d'étudiants somaliens souhaitant rencontrer d'autres étudiants somaliens. Ainsi, à travers une variété d'événements et d'activités, l'association souhaite rendre le parcours universitaire meilleur pour ses membres. C'est un espace où les étudiants peuvent se faire des amis, établir des contacts et aborder des préoccupations communes. L'objectif principal de uOttawa SSA est d'organiser des événements qui reflètent la beauté et la diversité de la culture somalienne. Des soirées culturelles colorées mettant en vedette des danses et des modes, aux discussions informatives sur des sujets importants, l'association offre une gamme d'opportunités pour apprendre et s'amuser. En embrassant différentes facettes de l'identité somalienne, uOttawa SSA ajoute une touche colorée et diversifiée à l'environnement du campus parmi les autres associations. Grâce à des partenariats et au service communautaire, l'association vise à s'impliquer dans des événements et des initiatives locales, répandant le leadership et ayant un impact positif.

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University of Ottawa Sports Medicine Club

Le Club de médecine sportive de l'Université d'Ottawa, ou uosportsmed, vise à promouvoir un mode de vie sain et actif tout en sensibilisant et en faisant comprendre les blessures médicales liées aux sports. Notre mission est d'éduquer, d'informer et de soutenir nos membres et la communauté en général, dans le but de prévenir et de traiter les blessures associées aux sports et aux autres activités physiques. Nous visons à fournir des informations médicales sur les blessures de manière accessible et compréhensible à tous, à travers diverses plateformes de médias sociaux. Les blessures sportives courantes peuvent être connues du grand public, mais nous visons à leur fournir une compréhension plus profonde du mécanisme de la blessure, du traitement et du processus de récupération. Nous travaillerions aux côtés de professionnels de la santé dans le domaine pour fournir des informations précises et à jour sur ces blessures. Ils fourniraient également des informations sur une carrière en médecine sportive et d'autres chemins dans des domaines étroitement liés (par exemple, la physiothérapie, l'orthopédie, etc.). Beaucoup sont intéressés par ce domaine, mais ce n'est pas un domaine qui est souvent discuté en détail. En collaboration avec ces professionnels, nous visons à fournir aux étudiants aspirants les outils et les informations dont ils ont besoin pour poursuivre leurs rêves de carrière en médecine sportive. En tant que membre de uosportsmed, les étudiants auront l'opportunité de participer à des publications sur les médias sociaux et à des événements, à des conférences en personne et à des ateliers avec des conférenciers invités et à des collectes de fonds visant à aider à stimuler la recherche dans ce domaine.

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University of Ottawa Squash Club

The Squash Club is a for-fun group of squash enthusiasts who regularly hold events at the Minto Sports Complex. We have free and paid events to encourage the most amount of squash. We have drop-in days, leagues, and ladders. The Squash Club has an informal relationship with community squash organizations such as the Ottawa & District Squash Association. Where they inform us of upcoming tournaments so that we can advertise more competitive events to members who wish to participate.

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University of Ottawa Student Chapter of ACM-Women

The chapter aims to connect its members with industry and academia to provide support for their future academic or professional career. It creates a space of mutual support, continuous learning and networking opportunities for underrepresented women groups through talks with ACM distinguished speakers or inspiring figures from industry or academia, panel discussions, reading groups and, even stress relief activities. Its vision is to become a talent hub for tech companies and a training and networking hub for the University community. The chapter hopes to contribute to closing the gender gap in tech industry and computing science.

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University of Ottawa Taylor Swift Society

Welcome to the University of Ottawa Taylor Swift Society, known as uOSwifties! Our club is a vibrant community of students who share a deep love and appreciation for Taylor Swift's music and artistry. Get ready to shake it off through our various events for Swifties, from making personalized "Junior Jewels" t-shirts to karaoke nights that will ease the pain of being waitlisted. Join us, and let's write our own love story with Taylor Swift together, because we know that in this club, you belong with us!

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University of Ottawa Technology Law Association

The University of Ottawa Technology Law Association (ADTUO) is dedicated to advancing the interests and activities of technology from a legal perspective. We want to publicize the area of ??technology law knowing that it is essential but little known by the majority. We want to promote this area of ??law because it is gaining in importance in all spheres of activity and in all sectors of our society. ADTUO will organize workshops and conferences to learn more about the ethical and legal issues of technology.

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University of Ottawa Tennis Club

Recreational tennis club.

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University of Ottawa Theatre Club

The club significantly enriches the student experience by offering theatre opportunities and benefits. Students can actively participate in or contribute backstage to our six+ annual productions, ranging from English and Francophone plays to professional musicals and Broadway concerts. Additionally, the club allocates a minimum of $4000 annually to recognize outstanding student contributions. Through our network of 300 members, comprising both uOttawa students and non-affiliated individuals, students can make meaningful connections and long lasting friendships. The club allows actors to be scouted by film professionals and agents through established connections within the Ottawa and Montreal TV/film industry. Embracing inclusivity, the club welcomes students of all identities and donates profits to Ottawa's KindSpace organization. Students also have the opportunity to obtain hundreds of volunteer hours for doing what they love. We are uOttawa's Golden Age of Theatre (The Fulcrum).

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University of Ottawa Triathlon Club

The University of Ottawa Triathlon Club promotes the sport of triathlon within the university community. We offer weekly practices in running, swimming, and occasionally cycling, catering to athletes of all levels. Additionally, we host several events throughout the winter and fall semesters, including time trials, hot-chocolate runs, social gatherings, and more. Our goal is to create a supportive community of athletes who develop their skills in triathlon while making connections to other students attending the university of Ottawa

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University of Ottawa World Vision

World Vision uOttawa is associated with World Vision Canada, a charity organization that focuses on global relief, development, and advocacy and strives to protect the most vulnerable children in the world. On campus, our club aims to operate a student run non-profit organization that raises awareness of the injustices in the world and organizes funds to support children fighting poverty in conjunction with the campaigns of World Vision Canada. We organize social and academic events that reflect our members' creativity and enthusiasm while also fundraising money for World Vision campaigns. We hope to raise awareness about the organization and the challenges being faced in other countries. If you are globally-minded and passionate about helping others in order to create change, we would love for you to join us in making a difference! We believe that change starts here, right on our campus.

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University of Ottawa Young Liberals

The uOttawa Young Liberals is focused on introducing students to politics and liberal ideas. Through events, workshops, and guest speaker sessions, it provides opportunities for students to engage in political discourse and learn about progressive policies. The club offers unique access to various politicians, allowing students to network and gain insights into the political landscape. It aims to empower students to advocate for liberal ideals and make meaningful contributions to our campus community. One of the club's standout features is its unparalleled access to political figures. Through our network, the uOttawa Young Liberals regularly welcome various politicians, providing students with the chance to interact with and learn from seasoned leaders. These encounters offer valuable insights into the workings of government but also allow students to forge meaningful connections and opportunities for future involvement in politics.

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UO Comic Book Club

Hey there comic book lovers! As a new club at the University of Ottawa, our goal is to foster a friendly community where comic book fans can meet and discuss all things geeky. Whatever your interests, from DC and Marvel to Manga, or if you would like to make comics of your own, you're sure to find something here!

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uO Health For All

uO Health For All (uO HFA) is a club dedicated to improving the students’ holistic health at the University of Ottawa. We plan to achieve this by promoting awareness on various aspects of health among the academic community through seminars, social media posts, resource promotions, and fundraising events. Holistic health incorporates physical, mental, and emotional health, all of which are deeply interrelated. When one goes out of balance, the others tend to follow suit, therefore our aim is to ensure every aspect remains harmonious. Students tend to face many uncertainties during this portion of their academic life, disrupting the holistic equilibrium of their health; this can lead to serious health problems such as depression. Realizing this, we intend to be a guiding hand in order to help them return to being healthy.  We plan to actively engage with the University of Ottawa students to promote their awareness of prevalent health issues amongst students and provide them with resources to help prevent them.  

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uO Plant Club

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uoGLOW is a club that emphasizes using make-up and skincare practices as a method to empower uOttawa women, increasing their self-esteem and confidence. Make-up often carries several stigmas and negative connotations in society, so the goal of uoGLOW is to help dissolve those and reclaim make-up as a creative tool of self-expression and self-love. uoGLOW is founded by an ethnically diverse team whose goal is to also work on breaking society’s “ideal” of what constitutes “beauty” and to be inclusive to individuals of all ethnicities. 

uoGLOW also has a philanthropic aspect which aims to support women’s shelters in Ottawa by fundraising and through connections with make-up and skincare companies which would provide in-kind donations and support. Most women arrive at a shelter with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Therefore, in order for women’s shelters in Ottawa to support these women, they rely on community support and donations. In a time like now where the COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for many, shelters have been overwhelmed with women and children seeking safety from gender-based violence. This is a critical time to support shelters in providing women with resources to feel empowered

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Are you passionate about music, love singing, or just looking for a fun way to relax and meet new people? Join us at uOKaraoke! Whether you’re a karaoke aficionado or just want to sing your heart out, this club is all about enjoying music together in a welcoming and positive environment. We host regular karaoke nights, and themed events, creating a space where everyone can share their love for music, no matter their skill level.

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uOpoetry is the University of Ottawa’s first-ever poetry club. One of a kind, the club provides a way

for readers (and writers) to share their love of poetry. The purpose of this club is to discuss the

poetry of the past and discover new poetry. To share, present, and explore, and different styles of

poetry concerning abundant topics at events hosted by the club itself or other organizations. The

club aims to promote diversity and creativity amongst its community, as well as enhance the writing

and creativity skills of its members through workshops and various activities.

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uOPremed Society

The UO Premed Society is dedicated to supporting aspiring healthcare professionals on their journey to medical school. Our mission is to form a collaborative community that provides resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities for premed students. We aim to enhance members' understanding of the medical field through workshops, guest speaker events, and hands-on experiences (suturing, phlebotomy workshops, and more!). Join us to connect, learn, and thrive as you prepare for your future in medicine!

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uOPride Club

Welcome to uOPride, uOttawa’s very own gender-sexuality alliance! We are a group of members of the LGBTQI+ community looking to create a safer space for others just like us. UO pride hosts events for queer people and allies alike to have fun in a safe space where everyone feels included and welcome! Our main goal is to create a support system where members of the LGBTQI+ community can feel they can unwind and be their true selves. We will be hosting a variety of events throughout the year focused on educating the student body on queer subjects, as well as hosting fun events where you can meet other people who support you and hopefully make new friends! Join our team to help plan events or even just follow us on instagram and facebook to find out when our events are happening and pop in any time you are available, no commitment involved! Let’s show our pride Gee-Gees!

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uORocketry, the University of Ottawa Rocketry Team, designs, builds, and flies rockets! Over the years, uORocketry has competed at Spaceport America (an international student rocketry competition) in 2018 and 2019, with our best placement being 8th out of 122 teams! We compete at Launch Canada (a Canadian student rocketry competition) every year, flying the fastest and highest out of all the rockets at the competition in 2024. Beyond rockets, we also competed in the CAN-RGX (Canada Reduced Gravity Experiment) where we’ve collaborated with the Brown Lab at McMaster University to investigate the effect of microgravity on the antibiotic resistance of Salmonella.

To summarize, uORocketry is a multidisciplinary student engineering team that makes high power rockets!

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We are the University of Ottawa’s Salsa and Bachata Club. We are a lively, auditioned team that strives to increase our skill and experience in Salsa and Bachata, through twice a week rehearsals, workshops, social dancing, performing*, teaching and assisting with public classes, and attending congresses. We have a passion for fun physical exercise and Latin dance in particular that we share with students and the Ottawa community through our weekly Tuesday evening classes.

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uOttaRun (uORun) is a student running club that strives to incorporate a social aspect to a sport that is normally done alone. Through group runs and other activities, our club hopes to build a community of runners here at the University of Ottawa.

We understand that a sport like running has a lot of different experience levels, as well as a lot of different back stories. Some runners may be training for a marathon, some runners run for their mental health, and some runners haven’t run since they were kids. Whatever the case may be, uOttaRun acknowledges that every runner is valid, and anyone has the potential to be a part of our community.

uORun run club is created with the intention of becoming an inclusive space, for not only those who want to share their love of running with others alike, but also for those who want to be reintroduced to running, in a more positive environment. 

With that in mind, uORun will implement multiple different types of runs throughout each month, to encourage everyone to come and join us!

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uOttawa African Fashion & Design Club

Le Club de Mode et Design Africain de l’Université d’Ottawa est une communauté dynamique dédiée à la promotion de la culture et du design africains à travers la mode. Notre club célèbre la diversité et la richesse des textiles, motifs, et styles propres aux différentes cultures africaines. En organisant des défilés de mode, des ateliers créatifs, et des événements de réseautage, nous offrons une plateforme pour les créateurs émergents, les stylistes et les passionnés de mode qui souhaitent explorer et exprimer leur identité culturelle. Nous croyons que la mode est un moyen puissant de raconter des histoires et de briser les stéréotypes, tout en inspirant un plus grand respect et une meilleure compréhension de la culture africaine. Rejoignez-nous pour partager votre passion et participer à la création d’une mode inclusive et inspirante.

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uOttawa Animal Justice Association

The uOttawa Animal Justice Association is dedicated to enhancing legal protectionsfor animals by means of education and advocacy, and to raising awareness of the fieldof animal law. The uOttawa AJA supports and communicates the objectives of AnimalJustice, Canada’s only national animal law advocacy organization.

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uOttawa Anime Club

uOAnime is uOttawa's very own anime club! We host a variety of events, from in-person screenings and casual meet-ups, to game nights, and more! Our club events are fully bilingual and free for anyone to attend, and our Discord server is a chill and inclusive safe space for all lovers of anime. We also offer group discounts to conventions, and member discounts to various local businesses. Follow us on our socials and join our Discord server for all the latest news and updates about the club and our upcoming events!

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uOttawa Badminton Club

Welcome to uOttawa Badminton Club, where passion for badminton meets a vibrant community at the University of Ottawa!

Whether you're just picking up a racquet for the first time or are an experienced player looking for a challenge, we have a place for you. By organizing students into different levels of play, from Level 1 (beginner) to Level 4 (advanced), we ensure everyone enjoys exciting, competitive matches with players at their own skill level.

This is more than just a club—it's a space to grow, connect, and have fun on and off the court! Your feedback and ideas are always welcome as we continue to evolve and make this the best badminton experience possible. Join us, and let’s smash our limits together!

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uOttawa Bankruptcy & Insolvency Club

The University of Ottawa Bankruptcy and Insolvency Club aims to empower aspiring law students to learn about a niche area of corporate law and provide them with the resources, opportunities and education to determine if this vulnerable and critical area of the law is what they are passionate about.

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uOttawa Baseball Team

uOttawa baseball is an athletic team that competes in the Ontario University Athletic baseball league. The team comprises of over 30 players and coaches. The competitive season starts in early September and runs into the second week of October, the team convenes in late August to begin preparing for the season. Practices are held throughout the remainder of the school year in order to prepare for the following season. The team's goals are always to compete, and to do so with respect. Geegees baseball is looking to build a positive culture. A culture that encourages members to lift teammates up, and always leave their best efforts on the field.The GeeGees baseball team has been playing in the OUA since 2019. The club can be contacted for tryouts and more information at Past and future game schedules is available on our instagram @geegeesbaseball.

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uOttawa Bioethics Association

We are a passionate community of students exploring the complex and ever-evolving ethical challenges in healthcare. Our mission is to foster discussion, promote research, and engage with the broader public on issues that shape the future of healthcare ethics.

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uOttawa Board Game Club

"The uOttawa Board Game Club (uOBGC) is a social club for all who enjoy playing board games. We host frequent board game nights at the University of Ottawa open to anyone. If you enjoy playing any board games from cards, to Catan, to Civilization, to the Campaign for North Africa, this is the place to be! Come check out our discord to find out when the next event will be!

Join us, Grab a game, and Play!"

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uOttawa Casual Band

The uOttawa Casual Band is a space where members can practice their musical abilities, learn new instruments & techniques, and play pieces together freely with no restriction on ability or expectation to perform. We accept members playing any instrument (or voice, etc.), at any skill level.

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uOttawa climate crisis coalition

Our goal is to create awareness of the climate crisis. We aim to educate students about plastic pollution, biodiversity decline on land and in the oceans, and the impact of agriculture as well as fossil fuels on the environment.

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uOttawa Concrete Canoe

The University of Ottawa Concrete Canoe Club is making a comeback! Open to civil engineering students and anyone passionate about design, teamwork, and innovation, this club provides a unique hands-on experience in designing and building concrete canoes for competitions. Join us to collaborate, learn, and push the limits of what's possible with concrete. Website and social media updates coming soon!

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uOttawa Connected Autonomous Vehicles

L'objectif du club est de mettre en contact les étudiants de l'Université d'Ottawa qui s'intéressent à la mobilité autonome et à divers sous-domaines, et de leur donner l'occasion et les ressources nécessaires pour construire des véhicules connectés et autonomes à différentes échelles et à différents niveaux. Actuellement, le club se concentre sur la fabrication d'un chasse-neige autonome prêt à participer à la compétition de chasse-neige autonome de l'Institut de navigation (ION ASC).

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uOttawa Cybersecurity Club

The uOttawa Cybersecurity Club is a community dedicated to fostering interest and expertise in cyber security. We organize workshops, challenges, and competitions throughout the year, providing hands-on learning experiences in areas like network security, web-hacking, cryptography, malware analysis, and much more. Our club embraces diversity and welcomes students from all academic backgrounds. We aim to create a supportive environment for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Join us to explore the exciting world of cyber security and contribute to a safer digital future.

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uOttawa Dance Club

The uOttawa Dance Club is a student run club that provides a creative outlet for students to come together and engage with one another in a non-competitive environment. It allows former dancers to continue to pursue their passion during their studies, as well as gives the opportunity for students with no former experience to express themselves in a fun and stress-free environment. The club offers various styles and levels of classes taught by uOttawa student volunteers. These classes meet once a week to work on a dance which is showcased at our year-end recital in March. Technique and drop-in classes (which don't require a weekly commitment) are also available at some points during the year.

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uOttawa EngiQueers

The purpose of the club is to serve as a social connection and advocacy group for the 2SLGBTQ+ community involved in STEM fields with an emphasis on the field of Engineering. The goals of the club will be met throughout our meetings and a variety of social functions.

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uOttawa Esports

uOttawa Esports is a student club for gamers of all levels, offering a welcoming space to connect and enjoy video games. We host casual events and support competitive teams that compete in international leagues. Additionally, we take pride in Pandamonium, our annual rivalry event against Carleton University. Beyond gaming, we focus on fostering skills like teamwork and leadership while balancing academics, giving back to the community, and creating a positive environment where everyone feels welcome. Join us to play, compete, and connect!

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uOttawa Fashion

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uOttawa Fashion Law Society

The UOttawa Fashion Law Society aims to explore the intersections between the fashion industry and the legal field. Our goal is to promote the niche area of fashion law and its engagement with various practice areas such as labor and employment, intellectual property, environment, commercial, entertainment, trade, and more.

We also strive to build a community where law students interested in fashion can connect, engage, and have fun!

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Uottawa Football United

A sports club interested in discussing and watching various football clubs and games worldwide.

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uOttawa Game Development Club

The uOttawa Game Development Club (UOGDC) is a space for igniting the creativity of uOttawa students who are interested in the design and development of video games! In addition to fostering and welcoming discussion of video games, game design and development techniques, game art, and game music, the club emphasizes active participation in the art of game creation. We host frequent game jams, during which members are encouraged to create small-scale games based on a theme, either on their own or in teams. Overall, the UOGDC is a great place to share your enthusiasm for game design and development; whether you’re a beginner looking to make your first game or a seasoned developer looking to expand your portfolio, you’ll find a community of like-minded game creation enthusiasts here at the UOGDC!

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UOttawa Giddha

Uottawa Gidha serves as a platform for individuals to engage in the practice of the traditional Punjabi folk dance known as Giddha, primarily performed by women. It aims to foster an inclusive atmosphere, encouraging all to embrace and learn this dance form while facilitating connections among participants. Giddha, characterized by its energy comparable to bhangra, uniquely showcases feminine grace, elegance, and flexibility.

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uOttawa Gymnastics

uOttawa Gymnastics is a place where new, returning, or experienced gymnasts can come together and train at their own paces, and experience a new and fun way to stay active during the school semester. With trained coaches, uOttawa Gymnastics hopes to give students a unique opportunity to stay active, and maybe even compete in online or in-person competitions at their own skill level. This club aims to inspire students to try something new, or to rekindle an old passion. As a club, we hope to collaborate with students as well as other universities, to hopefully create a fun, safe, and supportive gymnastics community country-wide. We can't wait to have you here!

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uOttawa Health & Fitness Society

At the uOttawa Health Promotion and Fitness society, our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and provide students with a platform to motivate and inspire each other along their fitness journeys. Incorporating exercise and healthy eating into a student’s busy schedule can be challenging; however, we aim to provide students with strategies to overcome these hurdles and help them thrive both physically and mentally. Members will have the opportunity to create media (blog posts, social media posts, or short videos), sharing how they incorporate their favorite modes of physical activity into their daily routine. Our platform will also contain content relating to a variety of wellness topics, including diet and mindset. Those with a passion for science and fitness will also be encouraged to contribute short pieces on effective, science-based fitness and wellness techniques. At the uOttawa Health Promotion and Fitness Society, we aim to bring students together

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uOttawa Heart 2 Heart

Club founded by uOttawa medical students devoted to international health care relief.

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uOttawa House Club

The uOttawa House Club is more than just a club; it is a movement where its purpose is to introduce the culture of House and EDM music into Ottawa’s nightlife and turn the capital into a hub for house music and electronic dance culture. Members will be a part of a community who share the same love and passion for House Music.

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uOttawa Lab2Life

uOttawa Lab2Life is dedicated to promoting and helping students explore various careers in the field of healthcare and medicine. We wish to support students interested in the field by providing them with information, resources, and opportunities to apply their academics to different careers. Through innovative events, professional development initiatives, podcast episodes with people in various professions, articles about different careers, workshops about job applications, and networking opportunities, we aim to guide students through their journey from the classroom and lab to diverse careers in the field and support them with potential career pathways such as jobs, graduate education or medical school. We strive to create a community of aspiring professionals, equipped with the skills, knowledge, and experiences to make a positive impact in their chosen pathways and professions.

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uOttawa Medical Club

Join us at uOttawa Medical Club as we unite aspiring pre medical students to learn, grow, and succeed. Our vibrant community offers valuable opportunities for networking, study tips, guides for students in their year, and memorable experiences. Together, let's pave the way towards a brighter and healthier tomorrow. Get involved, make a difference, and thrive with us!
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uOttawa Men's Wrestling Club


The uOttawa Men's Wrestling Club is a volunteer-led club that offers men professional wrestling training at the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees Campus. Our mission is to help students fall in love with wrestling, improve their athletic abilities, and foster a supportive community of sportsmanship. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced wrestler, you'll find a welcoming space to sharpen your technique, boost up your fitness, and achieve your personal goals.

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uOttawa Music Jam Club

ARTISTS AND MUSICIANS OF UOTTAWA! THIS IS YOUR HUB! At the uOttawa Music Jam Club, you will meet other artists and musicians, get creative with each other, and jam out! We will be hosting regular jam seshes, open mics, and other sorts of events. Stay updated through our Instagram. We'll see you in the Jam Space!

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uOttawa Nordiq

uOttawa Nordiq se consacre à offrir une communauté dynamique et inclusive aux skieurs nordiques de l'Université d'Ottawa. Notre mission est de permettre aux étudiants d'exceller dans le sport tout en encourageant une passion à vie pour le ski nordique. Sous la direction d'entraîneurs certifiés et de leaders étudiants, nous offrons des programmes d'entraînement sur mesure et des séances de groupe qui tiennent compte des engagements académiques et permettent aux athlètes d'atteindre leur plein potentiel. Nous aspirons à représenter fièrement l'uOttawa lors de compétitions locales, provinciales, nationales et même internationales, y compris les Championnats universitaires de l'Ontario et les Championnats canadiens des collèges et universités. Notre engagement envers l'excellence n'a d'égal que notre volonté de faire en sorte que la participation à notre équipe soit agréable, accessible et enrichissante pour tous les membres. Au-delà de la compétition, nous sommes engagés dans des initiatives de sensibilisation qui favorisent la rétention des athlètes et encouragent la pratique du sport d'hiver parmi nos pairs. Grâce à notre enthousiasme collectif pour le ski nordique, nous visons à créer des liens durables et une culture dynamique du bien-être au sein de la communauté de l'Université d'Ottawa.

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uOttawa NSBE-National Society of Black Engineers

The uOttawa NSBE stands for the National Society of Black Engineers. This club will serve the underrepresented minorities in the STEM field by having programs that serve to stimulate and develop student interest in engineering; to strive to promote participation at all levels of responsibility in the field of engineering by the black communities; and to endeavour in the advancement of black professional engineers within the individual engineering disciplines

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uOttawa OUTLaw

OUTLaw's mission is to create a safe space for 2SLGBTQ+ identified University of Ottawa law students and their allies where they can engage in discussion, network, and promote awareness within the law school community; a place where all students can come together to explore the ways in which the lives of 2SLGBTQ+ identified persons are affected by, and intersect with, the law, the legal profession, and legal education. In particular, the purpose of this group is to provide a space for this discussion to take place, but more than that, this group should be a place where all OUTLaw members feel safe and accepted, and where discussion around any number of issues, not just issues that directly affect the queer community, can be discussed with thoughtfulness and respect.

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uOttawa Pagans & Friends

The uOttawa Pagans & Friends club provides an open-minded, welcoming space for the discussion and expression of pagan beliefs. We're here to build connections between pagans, people who would like to learn more about paganism, and anyone who feels their religion is not represented by a current uOttawa club. Come join us and reach out to the broader pagan community, or just drop in to one of our seasonal events to see what we're all about!

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uOttawa Page Turners

The uOttawa Page Turners aims to offer an informal space for uOttawa students to discuss literary works outside of class and to meet like-minded students. We seek to promote reading, expose students to a wide variety of genres, and create a space for students to share and listen to different perspectives. We aim to foster a safe and equitable space to discuss literary works and how our knowledge and lived experiences come to play a role in our perception of each book.

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uOttawa Pool Club

Our goal is to create a fun and relaxed environment where uOttawa students can develop their pool skills and socialize with peers. The club will accept any students attending the University of Ottawa. The club will accept players of all different skill levels, including first time players. This is not a competitive league, and events are meant to be recreational and social. Our goal is to host pool nights once per month, and have special events take place once or twice per semester. We hold values of equality, inclusion, and respect, and members are expected to hold these values.

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uOttawa Pre-dental Club

We are a Student-run club that aims to provide students with valuable information regarding the field of Dentistry. Through volunteer opportunities, events and workshops, members will gain a better understanding of the profession as they share theses experiences with like-minded individuals.

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uOttawa Pre-Dental Network

The uOttawa Pre-Dental Network is dedicated to building strong connections between students, the local dental community, and healthcare professionals. Its primary focus is on fostering meaningful relationships that provide valuable networking opportunities, mentorship, and insights into the dental profession. In addition to helping members navigate the dental school application process, including preparing for the DAT, the network emphasizes community outreach and volunteering. Through these initiatives, members can connect with doctors and professionals in the field, gaining firsthand knowledge and experience. The Pre-Dental Network seeks to empower students by equipping them with the skills and connections necessary to succeed in dentistry.

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uOttawa Pre-Health Club

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Uottawa Pre-Optometry Club

Whether you're deeply passionate about optometry or simply curious about eye health, our club is the perfect place to explore the fascinating world of vision science. Join us for dynamic workshops, insightful guest talks, and a supportive community network. Dive into the science of sight with us and learn how vision impacts overall well-being. It’s a great opportunity for hands-on learning and networking. Open to all!

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uOttawa Pre-Pharmacy Club

The uOttawa Pre-Pharmacy club, founded by Razan Kadri in the summer of 2022, is a club for students who are passionate and interested in the pharmaceutical field. Every year, UOPC hosts events such as CASPer preparatory workshops, uOttawa PharmD Open Houses, Pharmacist Panel Nights, and Q&A Sessions with diverse pharmacists in the field. Our club also caters to international students; for example, we host PEBC Information Sessions every year. Our team is passionate about exposing students to the many unique opportunities in pharmacy.

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UOttawa Quadball Club

UOttawa Quadball club participates in a co-ed, full contact interuniversity league with competitions across Canada. Our team has won several Regional and National Championships, and we look forward to another year of fun!

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UOttawa Rock Climbers

We are a student-led recreational club aimed at promoting climbing on campus. We introduce peers to climbing each year and support their development through club nights and events. We also offer gear rentals to allow climbers of all levels and experiences to explore all types of climbing.